file - cholmod: How to read a sparse matrix in c++ -

i new in cholmod solver. want run simple example comes installation folder. matrice read alwas empty. code:

     file* f;     cholmod_sparse *a ;     cholmod_dense *x, *b, *r ;     cholmod_factor *l ;     double 1 [2] = {1,0}, m1 [2] = {-1,0} ;       /* basic scalars */     cholmod_common c ;     cholmod_start (&c) ;          if ((f  = fopen("../dynamic_systemmatrix.mtx","r")) == null)     {         my_handler (cholmod_invalid, __file__, __line__,             "unable open file") ;     }  = cholmod_l_read_sparse (f, &c) ;     /* read in matrix */ cholmod_print_sparse (a, "a", &c) ;         /* print matrix */ if (a == null || a->stype == 0)         /* must symmetric */ { cholmod_free_sparse (&a, &c) ; cholmod_finish (&c) ; return (0) ; }` 

how should .mtx file ? read function cholmod_l_read_sparse .


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