database - Rmi (two different interfaces) -
i'm doing project on distributed system. want query partitions of table , these distributed systems connected via rmi. project query database partition on pc(localhost) , partition on other pc(ip address). have created 2 interfaces , implementation, 1 containing methods pc, other other machine. on excuetion, i'm getting correct result database localhost no result other machine. i'm adding code below. please me.
this interface 1
public interface if5 extends remote{ public void insert(int r, string name, float c) throws remoteexception; public void up_date(int r,string name) throws remoteexception; public void up_date(int r,float cgpa) throws remoteexception; public void up_date(int r,string name,float cgpa) throws remoteexception; public void delete(int r) throws remoteexception; public arraylist<string> select() throws remoteexception; }
this implementation 1
public class impl51 extends unicastremoteobject implements if51 { public impl51() throws remoteexception, sqlexception{ } public connection connes() throws sqlexception { try { class.forname("oracle.jdbc.oracledriver"); connection con = drivermanager.getconnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@","hr","ankita1"); return con; } catch (classnotfoundexception ex) { logger.getlogger(impl5.class.getname()).log(level.severe, null, ex); } return null; } @override public arraylist<string> select1() throws remoteexception { try { connection ncon = connes(); statement stmt = ncon.createstatement(); arraylist<string> ar = new arraylist<string>(); resultset rs = stmt.executequery("select * student_g"); while( { string r1 = integer.tostring(rs.getint("rollno")); string str = rs.getstring("name"); string f1 = float.tostring(rs.getfloat("cgpa")); ar.add(r1); ar.add(str); ar.add(f1); } return ar; } catch (sqlexception ex) { logger.getlogger(impl5.class.getname()).log(level.severe, null, ex); return null; } } }
this server
public class server5 { public static void main(string args[]) throws exception { system.setproperty("java.rmi.server.hostname",""); try{ impl5 o1 = new impl5(); naming.bind("insert", o1); system.out.println("object1 registered"); impl5 o2 = new impl5(); naming.bind("update1", o2); system.out.println("object2 registered"); impl5 o3 = new impl5(); naming.bind("update2", o3); system.out.println("object3 registered"); impl5 o4 = new impl5(); naming.bind("update3", o4); system.out.println("object4 registered"); impl5 o5 = new impl5(); naming.bind("delete", o5); system.out.println("object5 registered");`enter code here` impl5 o6 = new impl5(); naming.bind("select", o6); system.out.println("object6 registered"); } catch(exception e) { system.out.println("exception: "+e); } } }
other server same methods bound using other name.
implementation 2
public class impl5 extends unicastremoteobject implements if5 { public impl5() throws remoteexception, sqlexception{ } public connection connes() throws sqlexception { try { class.forname("oracle.jdbc.driver.oracledriver"); connection con = drivermanager.getconnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl","hr","hr"); return con; } catch (classnotfoundexception ex) { logger.getlogger(impl5.class.getname()).log(level.severe, null, ex); } return null; } @override public void insert(int r, string n, float c) throws remoteexception { try { connection ncon = connes(); statement stmt = ncon.createstatement(); string query = "insert student_g values("+r+",'"+n+"',"+c+")"; resultset rs = stmt.executequery(query); system.out.println("insert successful"); stmt.close(); ncon.close(); } catch (sqlexception ex) { logger.getlogger(impl5.class.getname()).log(level.severe, null, ex); } } @override public void up_date(int r,string n) throws remoteexception { try { connection ncon = connes(); statement stmt = ncon.createstatement(); resultset rs = stmt.executequery("update student_g set name= '"+n+"' rollno ="+r); system.out.println("update successful"); stmt.close(); ncon.close(); } catch (sqlexception ex) { logger.getlogger(impl5.class.getname()).log(level.severe, null, ex); } } @override public void up_date(int r, float c) throws remoteexception { try { connection ncon = connes(); statement stmt = ncon.createstatement(); resultset rs = stmt.executequery("update student_g set cgpa="+c+"where rollno ="+r); system.out.println("update successful"); stmt.close(); ncon.close(); } catch (sqlexception ex) { logger.getlogger(impl5.class.getname()).log(level.severe, null, ex); } } @override public void up_date(int r,string n,float c) throws remoteexception { try { connection ncon = connes(); statement stmt = ncon.createstatement(); resultset rs = stmt.executequery("update student_g set name= '"+n+"',cgpa="+c+ " rollno ="+r); system.out.println("update successful"); stmt.close(); ncon.close(); } catch (sqlexception ex) { logger.getlogger(impl5.class.getname()).log(level.severe, null, ex); } } @override public void delete(int r) throws remoteexception { try { connection ncon = connes(); statement stmt = ncon.createstatement(); resultset rs = stmt.executequery("delete student_g rollno ="+r); system.out.println("delete successful"); stmt.close(); ncon.close(); } catch (sqlexception ex) { logger.getlogger(impl5.class.getname()).log(level.severe, null, ex); } } @override public arraylist<string> select() throws remoteexception { try { connection ncon = connes(); statement stmt = ncon.createstatement(); arraylist<string> ar = new arraylist<string>(); resultset rs = stmt.executequery("select * student_g"); while( { string r1 = integer.tostring(rs.getint("rollno")); string str = rs.getstring("name"); string f1 = float.tostring(rs.getfloat("cgpa")); ar.add(r1); ar.add(str); ar.add(f1); } return ar; } catch (sqlexception ex) { logger.getlogger(impl5.class.getname()).log(level.severe, null, ex); return null; } } } client public class client5 { public static void main(string args[]) throws exception{ string msg=null; string msg1= null; int count =0; string msg2= null; scanner sc = new scanner(; do{ system.out.println("what operation want perform: "); system.out.println("select 1 insert"); system.out.println("select 2 update"); system.out.println("select 3 delete"); system.out.println("select 4 select"); system.out.println("select 5 select"); int ch = sc.nextint(); switch(ch) { case 1: string s1 = "rmi://localhost/insert"; if5 x = (if5)naming.lookup(s1); do{ system.out.println("enter values insert: "); system.out.println("rollno: "); int r = sc.nextint(); system.out.println("name: "); string n =; system.out.println("cgpa: "); float c = sc.nextfloat(); x.insert(r, n, c); system.out.println("do want continue??(y/n)"); msg =; }while(!msg.equalsignorecase("n")); system.out.println("insert successful"); break; case 2: do{ system.out.println("what want update? a/s"); string sel =; if(sel.equalsignorecase("a")) { string s2 = "rmi://localhost/update3"; if5 x1 = (if5)naming.lookup(s2); do{ system.out.println("enter values update: "); system.out.println("rollno: "); int r = sc.nextint(); system.out.println("name: "); string n =; system.out.println("cgpa: "); float c = sc.nextfloat(); x1.up_date(r, n, c); system.out.println("do want continue??(y/n)"); msg =; }while(!msg.equalsignorecase("n")); } else { system.out.println("what want update? n/c"); sel =; if(sel.equalsignorecase("n")) { string s3 = "rmi://localhost/update1"; if5 x2 = (if5)naming.lookup(s3); do{ system.out.println("enter values update: "); system.out.println("rollno: "); int r = sc.nextint(); system.out.println("name: "); string n =; x2.up_date(r, n); system.out.println("do want continue??(y/n)"); msg =; }while(!msg.equalsignorecase("n")); } if(sel.equalsignorecase("c")) { string s4 = "rmi://localhost/update2"; if5 x3 = (if5)naming.lookup(s4); do{ system.out.println("enter values update: "); system.out.println("rollno: "); int r = sc.nextint(); system.out.println("cgpa: "); string c =; x3.up_date(r, c); system.out.println("do want continue??(y/n)"); msg =; }while(!msg.equalsignorecase("n")); } } system.out.println("do want continue update??(y/n)"); msg2 =; }while(!msg2.equalsignorecase("n")); system.out.println("update successful"); break; case 3: string s5 = "rmi://localhost/delete"; if5 x4 = (if5)naming.lookup(s5); do{ system.out.println("enter values insert: "); system.out.println("rollno: "); int r = sc.nextint(); x4.delete(r); system.out.println("do want continue??(y/n)"); msg =; }while(!msg.equalsignorecase("n")); system.out.println("delete successful"); break; case 4: string s6 ="rmi://localhost/select"; if5 x5 = (if5)naming.lookup(s6); arraylist<string> arr=; system.out.println("roll no.\tname\tcgpa"); for(string s:arr) { count++; system.out.print("\t"+s); if(count ==3) { count=0; system.out.print("\n"); } } break; case 5: string s7 ="rmi://"; if51 x6 = (if51)naming.lookup(s7); arraylist<string> ar= x6.select1(); system.out.println("roll no.\tname\tcgpa"); for(string s:ar) { count++; system.out.print("\t"+s); if(count ==3) { count=0; system.out.print("\n"); } } break; default : system.out.println("enter correct value"); } system.out.println("do want continue selecting operation?? (y/n)"); msg1 =; }while(!msg1.equalsignorecase("n")); }
for last case trying access other machine, not result. please me. it's important.
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