c# - What is the reason behind this type of error? -

i'm getting below error when running app after deploy.

"android.content.res.resources+notfoundexception: file res/drawable-mdpi-  v4/submenulistitem_background_top.xml drawable resource id #0x7f02008e"   

the code giving error as:


i have xml resource present in drawable folders , entry resource present in resource.designer.cs file. app running fine latest android devices, giving error in 1 of old android device. older device have api v10.

when drawable given in *.axml - android:background="@drawable/something" v10 device, finds , draws ui, when set drawable programmatically, type of error occurs, code adapter as:

using android.app; using android.views; using android.widget;  namespace greenlee.ethernet.androiddevice {   public class submenulistviewadapter : baseadapter<string>   {     string[] items;     activity context;      public submenulistviewadapter(activity context, string[] items) : base()     {         this.context = context;         this.items = items;     }      public override long getitemid(int position)     {         return position;     }      public override string this[int position]     {         { return items[position]; }     }      public override int count     {         { return items.length; }     }      public override view getview(int position, view convertview, viewgroup parent)     {         view view = convertview; // re-use existing view, if 1 available         textview txtlistitem = null;          if (view == null) // otherwise create new 1             view = context.layoutinflater.inflate(resource.layout.submenulistitemlayout, null);          txtlistitem = view.findviewbyid<textview>(resource.id.text1);          if (position == 0)         {             txtlistitem.setbackgroundresource(resource.drawable.submenulistitem_background_top); // error line, checked setbackgrounddrawable() method too, no luck.         }         else if (items.length - position == 1)         {             txtlistitem.setbackgroundresource(resource.drawable.submenulistitembackgroundbottom);         }         else         {             txtlistitem.setbackgroundresource(resource.drawable.submenulistitembackground);         }          txtlistitem.text = items[position];         return view;     }   } } 


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