Connecting Remote MongoDB in PHP to get the results in collection -

hi can me configuring mongodb in php below details,

i have tried connecting below mongoserver details , results collections, getting error shown below

server : port : 27017 username : userdb password : passworddb! authentication db : test-db collection name : messages 

i have tried below php code details of collection

   <?         echo "<pre>";     $mongo = new mongoclient("mongodb://userdb:passworddb!");     $dbname = "test-db";      var_dump($mongo);     $db = $mongo->$dbname;     var_dump($db);     $cursor = $db->messages->find();     foreach($cursor $value){         var_dump($value);     }     ?> 

but getting error like

object(mongoclient)#1 (4) {   ["connected"]=>   bool(true)   ["status"]=>   null   ["server":protected]=>   null   ["persistent":protected]=>   null } object(mongodb)#3 (2) {   ["w"]=>   int(1)   ["wtimeout"]=>   int(10000) }       fatal error:  uncaught exception 'mongoconnectionexception' message 'failed connect to: sasl authentication failed on database 'test-db': authentication failed.' in c:\xampp\htdocs\angular\mongo.php:22     stack trace:     #0 c:\xampp\htdocs\angular\mongo.php(22): mongocursor->rewind()     #1 {main}       thrown in c:\xampp\htdocs\angular\mongo.php on line 22 

line 22 referes foreach($cursor $value){

i found solution changing code below. able fetch records in collection.

<? $mongo=new mongoclient("mongodb://xhomuser:passworddb!"); echo "<pre>";  $db = $mongo->selectdb("test-db");  $collection = $db->selectcollection("messages");  $cursor = $collection->find(); foreach ($cursor $document) {     echo '"_id": '.$document["_id"]."<br />";     echo '"accountnumber": '.$document["accountnumber"]."<br />";     echo '"status": '.$document["status"]."<br />"; }   ?> 
