spring boot - loading dynamic image from local source -

i have saved images local path of pc , saved file name db. want load image db , show html page using java script , thymemleaf. browser says not allowed load local resources , made servlet in spring boot. not showing image.


@webservlet("/admin/imgservlet") public class adminimageservlet extends httpservlet {      private static final long serialversionuid = 1l;      @override     public void doget(httpservletrequest request, httpservletresponse response) throws ioexception {         string urlimage = request.getparameter("admin");         response.setcontenttype("image/jpeg");         servletoutputstream out;         out = response.getoutputstream();         fileinputstream fin = new fileinputstream("c:/users/public/documents/" + urlimage);          bufferedinputstream bin = new bufferedinputstream(fin);         bufferedoutputstream bout = new bufferedoutputstream(out);         int ch = 0;         while ((ch = bin.read()) != -1) {             bout.write(ch);         }          bin.close();         fin.close();         bout.close();         out.close();     } }  @bean     public servletregistrationbean adminimageservlet() {         dispatcherservlet dispatcherservlet = new dispatcherservlet();         annotationconfigwebapplicationcontext applicationcontext = new annotationconfigwebapplicationcontext();         applicationcontext.register(adminimageservlet.class);         dispatcherservlet.setapplicationcontext(applicationcontext);         servletregistrationbean servletregistrationbean = new servletregistrationbean(dispatcherservlet, "/admin/imgservlet");         servletregistrationbean.setname("imgservlet");         return servletregistrationbean;     } 

java script loading image

'<img src=imgservlet?admin='+articles.bannerimg+'  class="img-responsive" />' 

error i'm getting imgservlet:1 http://localhost/techtalks/admin/imgservlet?admin=pyjc4x0b.jpeg 404 (not found)

and want load image local resources thymeleaf html page

model.addattribute("localimg", "e:\\picz\\assasins.jpg"); spring controller pass model , pass image respective file html page this.

<img th:src="@{${localimg}}"/>

your servlet code works me. able image successfully.

i presume problem file name. please input file name below (i.e. without 'e' in jpeg).

it should work if file present in local path referring.



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