Creating a custom exception class and custom handler class in Laravel 5.3 -

before code, let me explain aim. web app displays vehicles sale. have need custom 404 page display 12 of latest vehicles added database if user tries access page doesn't exist.

i have following...


<?php  namespace app\exceptions;  use exception;  class customexception extends exception {     public function __construct()     {         parent::__construct();     } } 


<?php namespace app\exceptions;  use exception; use app\exceptions\handler exceptionhandler; use illuminate\contracts\container\container; use app\project\frontend\repo\vehicle\eloquentvehicle; use illuminate\foundation\exceptions\handler; use illuminate\support\facades\view;  class customhandler extends exceptionhandler {     protected $vehicle;      public function __construct(container $container, eloquentvehicle $vehicle)     {         parent::__construct($container);          $this->vehicle = $vehicle;     }      /**      * report or log exception.      *      * great spot send exceptions sentry, bugsnag, etc.      *      * @param  \exception  $exception      * @return void      */     public function report(exception $exception)     {         parent::report($exception);     }      /**      * render exception http response.      *      * @param  \illuminate\http\request  $request      * @param  \exception  $exception      * @return \illuminate\http\response      */     public function render($request, exception $exception)     {         $exception = handler::prepareexception($exception);          if($exception instanceof customexception) {             return $this->showcustomerrorpage();         }          return parent::render($request, $exception);     }      public function showcustomerrorpage()     {         $recentlyadded = $this->vehicle->fetchlatestvehicles(0, 12);          return view::make('errors.404custom')->with('recentlyadded', $recentlyadded);     } } 

to test added

throw new customexception();

to controller doesn't bring 404custom view. need working?

update: note who's bound class model. you'll bindingresolutionexception if try access function in class using:


to around create variable in same way bind class container in service provider.

my code looks this:

protected function showcustomerrorpage() {     $eloquentvehicle = new eloquentvehicle(new vehicle(), new dealer());     $recentlyadded = $eloquentvehicle->fetchlatestvehicles(0, 12);      return view()->make('errors.404custom')->with('recentlyadded', $recentlyadded); } 

amit's version

protected function showcustomerrorpage() {     $recentlyadded = app(eloquentvehicle::class)->fetchlatestvehicles(0, 12);      return view()->make('errors.404custom')->with('recentlyadded', $recentlyadded); } 

laravel calls render function of app\exceptions\handler class. overriding not work.

you have add in app\exceptions\handler class only.

for example:

<?php  namespace app\exceptions;  use exception; use illuminate\auth\authenticationexception; use app\project\frontend\repo\vehicle\eloquentvehicle; use illuminate\foundation\exceptions\handler exceptionhandler;  class handler extends exceptionhandler {     /**      * list of exception types should not reported.      *      * @var array      */     protected $dontreport = [         \illuminate\auth\authenticationexception::class,         \illuminate\auth\access\authorizationexception::class,         \symfony\component\httpkernel\exception\httpexception::class,         \illuminate\database\eloquent\modelnotfoundexception::class,         \illuminate\session\tokenmismatchexception::class,         \illuminate\validation\validationexception::class,     ];      /**      * report or log exception.      *      * great spot send exceptions sentry, bugsnag, etc.      *      * @param  \exception  $exception      * @return void      */     public function report(exception $exception)     {         parent::report($exception);     }      /**      * render exception http response.      *      * @param  \illuminate\http\request  $request      * @param  \exception  $exception      * @return \illuminate\http\response      */     public function render($request, exception $exception)     {         if($exception instanceof customexception) {             return $this->showcustomerrorpage();         }          return parent::render($request, $exception);     }      protected function showcustomerrorpage()     {         $recentlyadded = app(eloquentvehicle::class)->fetchlatestvehicles(0, 12);          return view()->make('errors.404custom')->with('recentlyadded', $recentlyadded);     } } 


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