recursion - C# get position of object recursively -

i have class self-referenced. idmodulopai key points parent, , modulosfilhos children of object.

i have property, profundidade, recursively calc depth of object.

another important property ordem. holds desired order defined user in scope.

id  nome            idmodulopai ordem   profundidade    ordemglobal 1   root            [null]      0       0               0 2   users           1           0       1               1 3   administration  2           0       2               2 4   logs            2           1       2               3 5   customers       1           0       1               4 6   orders          5           0       2               5 

look @ example table.

i'm trying create function similar profundidade, calcs global position. i'm trying last column ordemglobal. than, can order objects ordemglobal , appear in same way in every local need.

based in table, correct position is

root     +users         +administration         +logs     +customers         +orders 

look administration apperars before logs because administration has ordem = 0 , logs has ordem = 1

how can archieve desired behavior?

code of class follows

public class modulomodel {     public int id { get; set; }     public string nome { get; set; }     public int ordem { get; set; }     public virtual int profundidade {                  {             return getdepth(this);         }     }      public int? idmodulopai { get; set; }     public virtual modulomodel modulopai { get; set; }     public virtual icollection<modulomodel> modulosfilhos { get; set; }      private int getdepth(modulomodel modulomodel)     {         if (modulomodel == null) return 0;         if (modulomodel.idmodulopai == null) return 0;         return getdepth(modulomodel.modulopai) + 1;     } } 

edit: improved question

i'm tryed like

    public virtual int ordemglobal     {                 {             return getglobalorder(this);         }     }              private int getglobalorder(modulomodel modulomodel)     {         if (modulomodel == null) return 0;         if (modulomodel.modulopai == null) return 0;          int smallersiblings = modulomodel.modulopai.modulosfilhos.where(x => x.ordem < modulomodel.ordem).count();         return (getglobalorder(modulomodel.modulopai) + smallersiblings + 1;     } 

but confused, , aren't returning desired information.

here icomparer<modulomodel> sorts order want.

public class modulomodelcomparer : comparer<modulomodel> {     public override int compare(modulomodel x, modulomodel y)     {         //they same node.         if (x.equals(y))             return 0;          //cache values don't need getdepth call times         var xprofundidade = x.profundidade;         var yprofundidade = y.profundidade;          //find shared parent         if (xprofundidade > yprofundidade)         {             //x child of y             if (x.modulopai.equals(y))                 return 1;             return compare(x.modulopai, y);         }         else if (yprofundidade > xprofundidade)         {             //y child of x             if (x.equals(y.modulopai))                 return -1;             return compare(x, y.modulopai);         }         else         {             //they both share parent not same node, compare on ordem.             if (x.modulopai.equals(y.modulopai))                 return x.ordem.compareto(y.ordem);              //they same level have diffrent parents, go layer             return compare(x.modulopai, y.modulopai);         }     } } 

here test program uses it

class test {     public static void main()     {          var root = createmodel(1, "root", null, 0);         var users = createmodel(2, "users", root, 0);         var administration = createmodel(3, "administration", users, 0);         var logs = createmodel(4, "logs", users, 1);         var customers = createmodel(5, "customers", root, 0);         var orders = createmodel(6, "orders", customers, 0);           list<modulomodel> list = new list<modulomodel> {root, users, administration, logs, customers, orders};          list.sort(new modulomodelcomparer());          foreach (var modulomodel in list)         {             console.writeline(modulomodel.nome);         }         console.readline();     }      private static modulomodel createmodel(int id, string nome, modulomodel modulopai, int ordem)     {         var model = new modulomodel {id = id, nome = nome, idmodulopai = modulopai?.id, modulopai = modulopai, modulosfilhos = new hashset<modulomodel>(), ordem = ordem};         modulopai?.modulosfilhos.add(model);         return model;     } } 

hopefully enough on right track.


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