php - Laravel - TokenMismatchException in VerifyCsrfToken because of upload filesize -

i have found need change these settings in order upload bigger files

i have changed these settings in php.ini file

upload_max_filesize = 32m max_file_uploads = 20 

and in nginx.conf file

client_max_body_size 40m; 

but still error:

php warning:  post content-length of 27772457 bytes exceeds limit of 8388608 bytes in unknown on line 0 

this 8mb limit....but where...i have restarted machine , still doesn't work

where else can adjust file upload limit?

in php.ini should change


and make larger upload_max_filesize

for exemple use :

post_max_size = 125m upload_max_filesize = 100m 

then restart php-fpm


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