angularjs - How to remove duplicate options from angular ui select? -

here angular ui select html:

<ui-select title="select template directory" ng-change="searchtemplate()" theme="select2" ng-model="search_data.sub_directory" id="search_sub_directory" name="search_sub_directory" class="search_panel">     <ui-select-match allow-clear="true" placeholder="select template directory">{{$select.selected.subdirectory}}</ui-select-match>     <ui-select-choices repeat="template.subdirectory template in response_template_directories | filter: $">         <span ng-bind-html="template.subdirectory | highlight: $"></span>     </ui-select-choices> </ui-select> 

and here response_template_directories

[ {subdirectory : 1}, {subdirectory : 1}, {subdirectory : 1}, {subdirectory : 1}, {subdirectory : 1}, {subdirectory : 1}, {subdirectory : 2}, {subdirectory : 3}, ] 

select list showing duplicates

enter image description here

how can remove these duplicates in ui select html?

use filter unique (implement angularui or import a8m/angular-filter).

<ui-select title="select template directory" ng-change="searchtemplate()" theme="select2" ng-model="search_data.sub_directory" id="search_sub_directory" name="search_sub_directory" class="search_panel"> <ui-select-match allow-clear="true" placeholder="select template directory">{{$select.selected.subdirectory}}</ui-select-match> <ui-select-choices repeat="template.subdirectory template in response_template_directories | unique: 'subdirectory' | filter: $">     <span ng-bind-html="template.subdirectory | highlight: $"></span> </ui-select-choices> 

or write own filter lodash:

app.filter('unique', function() {     return function (arr, field) {         return _.uniq(arr, function(a) { return a[field]; });     }; }); 


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