jquery - Can't remove place holders with regular expression in Javascript -

i have dynamically created table containing redundant place holders remove, this:

{firm[i][j]} //i,j numbers 

i trying regular expression in javascript doesn't work, here regular expression, table below string inserted dom.

var table = "  <table class='table table-sm' style='margin:auto;'> <thead>     <tr>         <th colspan='5'>qarelease</th>     </tr> </thead> <tbody>     <tr style='text-align:left;'>         <td width='25%;'>{firm[i][j]}</td>         <td width='25%;'>{firm[i][j]}</td>         <td width='25%;'>{firm[i][j]}</td>         <td width='25%;'>{firm[i][j]}</td>     </tr> </tbody>  </table>" 

regular expression:

table = table.replace(/{firm[\d{1}][\d{1}]}/g, ""); 

not quite sure why couldn't work

if trying match [] too, need escape them:

table = table.replace(/{firm\[\d{1}\]\[\d{1}\]}/g, ""); 
