php - How to use static function inside CI library? -
i have wound this great resource on calculating bounding coordinates , calculating distance between 2 points on earth sphere.
i had started build own ci library when wound this. love adjust use lost on how it.
there example on bounding coordinates:
$edison = geolocation::fromdegrees(40.5187154, -74.4120953); $coordinates = $edison->boundingcoordinates(3, 'miles');
the question - if use class library, how call it?
$edison = $this->geolibrary->geolocation::fromdegrees(40.5187154, -74.4120953);
or how should change code use library?
code library:
<?php if (!defined('basepath')) exit('no direct script access allowed'); class geolocation { private $radlat; // latitude in radians private $radlon; // longitude in radians private $deglat; // latitude in degrees private $deglon; // longitude in degrees private $angular; // angular radius const earths_radius_km = 6371.01; const earths_radius_mi = 3958.762079; protected static $min_lat; // -pi/2 protected static $max_lat; // pi/2 protected static $min_lon; // -pi protected static $max_lon; // pi public function __construct() { self::$min_lat = deg2rad(-90); // -pi/2 self::$max_lat = deg2rad(90); // pi/2 self::$min_lon = deg2rad(-180); // -pi self::$max_lon = deg2rad(180); // pi } public function createlocation($latitude, $longitude, $from) { // want create instance here ??? } /** * @param double $latitude latitude, in degrees. * @param double $longitude longitude, in degrees. * @return geolocation */ private static function fromdegrees($latitude, $longitude) { $location = new geolocation(); $location->radlat = deg2rad($latitude); $location->radlon = deg2rad($longitude); $location->deglat = $latitude; $location->deglon = $longitude; $location->checkbounds(); return $location; } /** * @param double $latitude latitude, in radians. * @param double $longitude longitude, in radians. * @return geolocation */ private static function fromradians($latitude, $longitude) { $location = new geolocation(); $location->radlat = $latitude; $location->radlon = $longitude; $location->deglat = rad2deg($latitude); $location->deglon = rad2deg($longitude); $location->checkbounds(); return $location; } protected function checkbounds() { if ($this->radlat < self::$min_lat || $this->radlat > self::$max_lat || $this->radlon < self::$min_lon || $this->radlon > self::$max_lon) throw new \exception("invalid argument"); } /** * computes great circle distance between geolocation instance * , location argument. * @param geolocation $location * @param string $unit_of_measurement * @internal param float $radius radius of sphere, e.g. average radius * spherical approximation of figure of earth approximately * 6371.01 kilometers. * @return double distance, measured in same unit radius * argument. */ public function distanceto(geolocation $location, $unit_of_measurement) { $radius = $this->getearthsradius($unit_of_measurement); return acos(sin($this->radlat) * sin($location->radlat) + cos($this->radlat) * cos($location->radlat) * cos($this->radlon - $location->radlon)) * $radius; } /** * @return double latitude, in degrees. */ public function getlatitudeindegrees() { return $this->deglat; } /** * @return double longitude, in degrees. */ public function getlongitudeindegrees() { return $this->deglon; } /** * @return double latitude, in radians. */ public function getlatitudeinradians() { return $this->radlat; } /** * @return double longitude, in radians. */ public function getlongitudeinradians() { return $this->radlon; } /** * @return double angular radius. */ public function getangular() { return $this->angular; } public function __tostring() { return "(" . $this->deglat . ", " . $this->deglon . ") = (" . $this->radlat . " rad, " . $this->radlon . " rad"; } /** * <p>computes bounding coordinates of points on surface * of sphere have great circle distance point represented * geolocation instance less or equal distance * argument.</p> * <p>for more information formulae used in method visit * <a href=""> *</a>.</p> * * @param double $distance distance point represented * geolocation instance. must me measured in same unit radius * argument. * @param string $unit_of_measurement * @throws \exception * @internal param radius radius of sphere, e.g. average radius * spherical approximation of figure of earth approximately * 6371.01 kilometers. * @return geolocation[] array of 2 geolocation objects such that:<ul> * <li>the latitude of point within specified distance greater * or equal latitude of first array element , smaller or * equal latitude of second array element.</li> * <li>if longitude of first array element smaller or equal * longitude of second element, * longitude of point within specified distance greater * or equal longitude of first array element , smaller or * equal longitude of second array element.</li> * <li>if longitude of first array element greater * longitude of second element (this case if 180th * meridian within distance), * longitude of point within specified distance greater * or equal longitude of first array element * <strong>or</strong> smaller or equal longitude of second * array element.</li> * </ul> */ public function boundingcoordinates($distance, $unit_of_measurement) { $radius = $this->getearthsradius($unit_of_measurement); if ($radius < 0 || $distance < 0) throw new \exception('arguments must greater 0.'); // angular distance in radians on great circle $this->angular = $distance / $radius; $minlat = $this->radlat - $this->angular; $maxlat = $this->radlat + $this->angular; $minlon = 0; $maxlon = 0; if ($minlat > self::$min_lat && $maxlat < self::$max_lat) { $deltalon = asin(sin($this->angular) / cos($this->radlat)); $minlon = $this->radlon - $deltalon; if ($minlon < self::$min_lon) $minlon += 2 * pi(); $maxlon = $this->radlon + $deltalon; if ($maxlon > self::$max_lon) $maxlon -= 2 * pi(); } else { // pole within distance $minlat = max($minlat, self::$min_lat); $maxlat = min($maxlat, self::$max_lat); $minlon = self::$min_lon; $maxlon = self::$max_lon; } return array( geolocation::fromradians($minlat, $minlon), geolocation::fromradians($maxlat, $maxlon) ); } protected function getearthsradius($unit_of_measurement) { $u = $unit_of_measurement; if($u == 'miles' || $u == 'mi') return $radius = self::earths_radius_mi; elseif($u == 'kilometers' || $u == 'km') return $radius = self::earths_radius_km; else throw new \exception('you must supply valid unit of measurement'); } /** * retrieves geocoding information google * eg. $response = geolocation::getgeocodefromgoogle($location); * $latitude = $response->results[0]->geometry->location->lng; * $longitude = $response->results[0]->geometry->location->lng; * @param string $location address, city, state, etc. * @return \stdclass */ public static function getgeocodefromgoogle($location) { $url = ''.urlencode($location).'&sensor=false'; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_url,$url); curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_returntransfer, true); return json_decode(curl_exec($ch)); } public static function milestokilometers($miles) { return $miles * 1.6093439999999999; } public static function kilometerstomiles($km) { return $km * 0.621371192237334; } }
i want create function createlocation use library this:
$this->load->library('geolocation'); $lat=$this->input->post('latitude'); $lng=$this->input->post('longitude'); $radius=$this->input->post('radiuss'); $user_center = $this->geolocation->createlocation($lat, $lng); $boundingcoordinates = $user_center->boundingcoordinates($radius, 'kilometers');
i tried:
public function createlocation($latitude, $longitude) { $loc = geolocation::fromdegrees($latitude, $longitude); return $loc; }
but undefined property: alerts::$geolocation
on line createlocation
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