entity framework 6 - EF OData MySql Unknown column 'Project3.x' in 'where clause' -

i'm using odata v4, ef6 , mysql 5.6/5.7 below models , tables. result of application resource fine call odata/applications error when expand on roles, follows odata/applications?$expand=roles.

error: error occurred while executing command definition. see inner exception details. unknown column 'project3.applicationid' in 'where clause'

i know it's mapping, can't see what.

public class role {     public int id { get; set; }      public string name { get; set; }      public int applicationid { get; set; }      //public virtual application application { get; set; }  }  public class application {     public int id { get; set; }      public string name { get; set; }      public bool isdeleted { get; set; }      public virtual icollection<role> roles { get; set; }      public application()     {         roles = new list<role>();     } }  public class applicationview {     public int id { get; set; }      public string name { get; set; }      public icollection<roleview> roles { get; set; }      public applicationview()     {         roles = new list<roleview>();     } }  public class roleview {     public int id { get; set; }      public string name { get; set; }      public int applicationid { get; set; }  }  create table if not exists application ( applicationid int not null auto_increment primary key, name varchar(255) not null, isdeleted bool not null default false,  createdby varchar(255) not null, createdon datetime not null, updatedby varchar(255) not null, updatedon datetime not null 

) engine=innodb;

create table if not exists role ( roleid int not null auto_increment primary key, name varchar(255) not null, applicationid int not null,  createdby varchar(255) not null, createdon datetime not null, updatedby varchar(255) not null, updatedon datetime not null,  index app_index (applicationid), foreign key (applicationid) references application(applicationid) on delete cascade 

) engine=innodb;

this odata action method.

[httpget]     [odataroute("applications")]     public iqueryable<applicationview> get()     {         var result = identityrepository.applications             .include("role")             .projectto<applicationview>();         return result;     } 

the mapping classes:

public class rolemap : entitytypeconfiguration<role> {     public rolemap()     {         totable("role");          haskey(x => x.id);         property(x => x.id).hascolumnname("roleid");          // tried with/without, no change.         //hasrequired(x => x.application).withmany(x => x.roles).hasforeignkey(x => x.applicationid);     } }  public class applicationmap : entitytypeconfiguration<application> {     public applicationmap()     {         totable("application");          haskey(x => x.id);         property(x => x.id).hascolumnname("applicationid");          // tried with/without no change.         hasmany(x => x.roles).withrequired().hasforeignkey(x => x.applicationid);     } } 

i tried repository both code first , database first edmx , keep getting same error.

the ef mappings seem correct. guess problem comes projectto method. seems part of automapper queryable extensions. the documentation says (about projectto):

note feature work, type conversions must explicitly handled in mapping. example, can not rely on tostring() override of item class inform entity framework select name column, , data type changes, such double decimal must explicitly handled well.

try replacing in query projectto select, or plain removing it, confirm if error comes there, or check automapper mappings.
