
Showing posts from 2014

oracle - Individual Record Logging While Handling Large no of records -

i having procedure assign products against existing list of orders. for rec_ord in(select order_id,order_prop1,order_prop2,<some more columns> order_master <some conditions>) loop <step-1:do processing on order_prop1,order_prop2> [log processing result] rec_prod in (select prod_id,prod_prop1,prod_prop2,<some more columns> product_master prod_prop1 = ord_prop1 , <some conditions>) loop <step-2:do processing using prod_prop2 , order_prop2> [log processing result] <decide whether assign or not> [log assignment or non-assignment reason] end loop end loop i tried below 2 methods. bulk collect:i combined step-1&2 in single query joining order_master & product_master. , using bulk-collect insert assignment. losing logging & tracking of individual record. for loop: used loop given above. taking way long. increasing execution time many times. i want processin

java - Spring cloud turbine with ConfigPropertyBasedDiscovery and https -

i have turbine app connects hystrix cluster streams, needs using https. current config (using configpropertybaseddiscovery rather eureka): spring: profiles: lcl instanceurlsuffix: cluster_name: / configpropertybaseddiscovery: cluster_name: instances: hostname1:port/ctxt,hostname2:port/ctxt as far can tell, turbine has hardcoded http:// somewhere within code, try hit: http://hostname1:port/ctxt/ is there way specify https using above config , without need eureka, zuul, consul or 1 of fancy service discovery tools make work ssl?

Nexus3 rebuild index errror -

i use docker-nexus 3. when rebuild index maven repository show success, search common jar, cannot come out nothing. how synchronize maven repository indexes nexus 3? if browse remote, not work. nexus repository manager ui search looks @ cached or hosted content. if feel this, please head our jira: , file issue. thanks!

objective c - Strikethrough thickness for NSMutableAttributedString -

i annotating mutable attributed string strikethrough in objective-c. using following code. [mastring addattribute:nsstrikethroughstyleattributename value:[nsnumber numberwithint:1] range:nsmakerange(0, [text length])] i not clear value parameter controls , possible values are. control thickness? if so, possible values? what having documentation ? this value indicates whether text has line through , corresponds 1 of constants described in nsunderlinestyle. default value attribute stylenone. and then:

javascript - Multiple ellipses in D3 not visible with no error -

a simple program multiple ellipse have written. program shows no error no ellipse being seen. though tried add multiple random colors it. think there slight mistake somewhere. can out? snippet: <html> <head> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ //our basic data var customdata = [ { "x": 30, "y": 30, "width": 20, "height" : 10 }, { "x": 70, "y": 70, "width": 20, "height" : 20}, { "x": 110, "y": 100, "width": 20, "height" : 30} ]; //make svg container var mysvg ="svg"); //create ellipses skeleton data var ellipses = mysvg.selectall("ellipse&

syntax - Usage of "red in |- *": What does bar hyphen star mean? -

in lot of coq code, in the definition of sets in standard library, i've seen sort of notation: red in |- *. what |-* (bar-hyphen-star) mean? my searching hasn't turned results, it's hard search punctuation, please excuse me if duplicate! it's called occurrence clause , the role of occurrence clause select set of occurrences of term in goal. i'd add "to tactic going applied" above quote (the coq reference manual, sect. 8.1.4 ). then manual proceeds following: if * mentioned on right of |- , occurrences of conclusion of goal have selected. let's @ simple cases: <tactic> in * |-. applies <tactic> every hypothesis, not current goal. <tactic> in h1, h2 |- *. applies <tactic> hypotheses h1 , h2 and goal. <tactic> in * |- *. applies <tactic> everywhere. there shortcut case: <tactic> in * . for many tactics <tactic> in |- *. equivalent <tactic> . i

android - Query error in SQLite -

this question has answer here: update table using rawquery() method not work 3 answers i've tried code update values in column sync 0... how can solve issue? public boolean updatesync() { sqlitedatabase db=this.getwritabledatabase(); db.rawquery("update patients set sync = '0'",null); return true; } this code not working. need change entire column value of sync 0. how can that? i've found code working when searching, it's not working me. how can solve that? please help. use execsql() instead of rawquery() . rawquery() compiles sql not execute until returned cursor moved. execsql() both compiles , executes sql.

swift - How to get resizing tableView cell with different content without deleting constraints in iOS -

i have tableview cell different content(views, labels, imageviews) in 1 cell. in cells content can not full. how can use resizing cells without removing , adding constraints? thanks. one of possible solutions problem: add constraints hidden state priority 1000 add constraints resized state lower priority (ex 750) save constraints only hidden state iboutlet collection save constraints only resized state iboutlet collection code: @iboutlet var hiddenconstraints: [nslayoutconstraint] = [] @iboutlet var visibleconstraints: [nslayoutconstraint] = [] func hide(_ hide: bool) { hiddenconstraint in self.hiddenconstraints { hiddenconstraint.isactive = hide } visibleconstraint in self.visibleconstraints { visibleconstraint.isactive = !hide } self.layoutifneeded() } there faster solution: move content can hidden container view set height constraint container view change code height constraint constant 0 if hidden or prope

R caret package rfe error - "argument is not interpretable as logical" -

i trying use rfecontrol , rfe simple feature selection task using svm. input file small , has 20 features 414 samples. input can found here [] . ignoring warning, not understand error below understand maximize takes value when metric==rmse , i, however, have metric==accuracy performing classification (reference: ): error in if (maximize) which.max(x[, metric]) else which.min(x[, metric]) : argument not interpretable logical in addition: warning message: in if (maximize) which.max(x[, metric]) else which.min(x[, metric]) : condition has length > 1 , first element used the code follows: library("caret") library("mlbench") sensor6data_2class <- read.csv("/home/sensei/clustering/svm_2labels.csv") sensor6data_2class <- within(sensor6data_2class, class <- as.factor(class)) sensor6data_2class$class2 <-

ios - ZXingObjc - Cannot read Code128 when the barcode area is short -

i'm using zxingobjc read barcode images in swift app. works fine in situations. when height of code128 short, " a barcode not found in image ". i try add kbarcodeformatcode128 possibleformat of zxdecodehints no luck. is limits of zxingobjc , or did miss else? appreciated. here code: import foundation import zxingobjc let zxingreader = zxingreader.shared class zxingreader { static let shared = zxingreader() lazy var decodehints: zxdecodehints = { let hints = zxdecodehints() return hints }() func readcodefromimage(image: uiimage) throws -> zxresult { let source = zxcgimageluminancesource(cgimage: image.cgimage!) let binazer = zxhybridbinarizer(source: source) let bitmap = zxbinarybitmap(binarizer: binazer) let reader = zxmultiformatreader() { let result = try reader.decode(bitmap, hints: decodehints) return result } catch let error nserror {

reactjs - react-d3 components example linechart -

i trying find simple example of using line charts using react-d3 component - x-axis legend toggles between per day/ per month chart: for day x-axis 12 - 12am month 1 - 15 -31 can point me simple example achieve using react-d3 component.thanks,

python multiprocessing with multiple arguments -

i'm trying multiprocess function multiple actions large file i'm getting knownle pickling error eventhough im using partial . the function looks this: def process(r,intermediate_file,record_dict,record_id): res=0 record_str = str(record_dict[record_id]).upper() start = record_str[0:100] end= record_str[len(record_seq)-100:len(record_seq)] print sample, record_id if r=="1": if something: res = something... intermediate_file.write("...") if something: res = intermediate_file.write("...") if r == "2": if something: res = something... intermediate_file.write("...") if something: res = intermediate_file.write("...") return res the way im calling following in function: def call_func(): intermediate_file = open("inter.txt","w&q

android - Manually measuring layout before used in recyclerview -

i wanted measure height of layouts ahead of them before used (in recyclerview). layout either have wrap_content size or specific dp set on (i.e. not dependent on parent view). i made function below. works layout purely wrap_content size, , doesn't have layout within has defined size (i.e. wrap_content) private float measureviewheight(int resource) { view view = getlayoutinflater(null).inflate(resource, null); view.measure(viewgroup.layoutparams.wrap_content, viewgroup.layoutparams.wrap_content); return (float) view.getmeasuredheight(); } but if layout containing layouts has specific dp height defined, measurement return not inaccurate. how should fix function returns right value? update answer @shhp, , fixing prelollipop crash... updated answer use following private float measureviewheight(int resource) { view view = getlayoutinflater(null).inflate(resource, null); view.setlayoutparams(new viewgroup.layoutparams(viewgroup.layoutparams.wrap_conten

html - How to check for a value if it exists in a different database table -

i have scenario should display image when value of 1 field of table present in table. i'm not sure how condition can done. can help? in html or in angularjs. better understanding, code in html , i'm trying do, html: {% if {{vio.pdb_pid}} } {% if is_secure_device == 'true'%} {% verbatim %} <img class="img-rounded" ng-src="{{vio.pdb_pattern_img}}"> {% endverbatim %} model has {{vio.pdb_pid}} value: class orcpattern(models.model): pdb_id = models.integerfield(null=true, blank=true) model of other table: class siverifyverificationsite(models.model): pattern_id = models.integerfield(null=true, blank=true) my first line in code.i.e. if statement incomplete. value {{vio.pdb_pid}} should checked on table called sivorcdds(the field name in table pdb) . precisely, if {{vio.pdb_pid}} exists in pattern_id.siverifyverificationsite(fieldname.tablename)` should display image in code. don't know how

msbuild - SonarQube with custom Roslyn-based rules -

i have sonarqube 5.3.1 in place c# plugin 4.5.0 installed. basic included rules detected expected. now, want use roslyn sdk project ( ) add tailor made analyzers account. i'm pretty sure okay because raised in both visual studio , when using msbuild in command line. my problem able upload issues sonar, must missing something. i use sonarqube scanner msbuild v2.0, have installed generated jar , have activated rules (the appear in "code smell"), try build project rules should break (and do, said earlier), not seem pick rules. the doc ( ) says should "produce error report containing analysis errors , warnings of analyzers" , upload sonarqube, cannot find report. @ least, sonarlint output file no related rule whatsoever. i've tried wintell

ASP.Net Core: X-Frame-Options strange behavior -

i need remove x-frame-options: sameorigin header of actions should render content iframe. long added requests default disabled in startup.cs : services.addantiforgery(o => o.suppressxframeoptionsheader = false); . wrote simple middleware: app.use(async (context, next) => { context.response.headers.add("x-frame-options", "sameorigin"); await next(); }); actions needed answer cross-domain requests decorated result filter attribute: public class suppresxframeoptionfilter : resultfilterattribute { public override async task onresultexecutionasync(resultexecutingcontext context, resultexecutiondelegate next) { context.httpcontext.response.headers.remove("x-frame-options"); await next(); } } here comes weiredness. first cross-domain request fails because despite filter works expected in end x-frame-options: sameorigin still present in response (i checked

jira - Was operator for sprint field -

i looking way track issues being added , removed form active sprint. far have been doing general jira report @ beginning , end of sprint, checking changes. cumbersome. many other fields, operator can used, not sprint field. there way emulate behavior of was in jql, or history of issues stored in sprint @ point in time not stored jira? for scrum boards, jira contains "sprint report" out of box. this show issues in sprint, ones completed, ones added after sprint started (marked asterisk) , lists issues removed sprint. for bit more info, can check documentation here .

windows 10 - windbg 10.0 do not show line numbers -

when switched windows 7 windows 10 (new sdk of course) faced different behavior in windbg when showing callstack command "kc": windows 7: kernelbase!raiseexception msvcr120!_cxxthrowexception msvcp120!std::_xout_of_range windows 10: 00 kernelbase!raiseexception 01 msvcr120!_cxxthrowexception 02 msvcp120!std::_xout_of_range how rid of line numbers? 00 01 02 which links ".frame 0n0;dv /t /v" turn off dml kd> .prefer_dml 0 dml versions of commands off default kd> kc warning: stack unwind information not available. following frames may wrong. livekdd nt!kiinitialpcr nt!kewaitforsingleobject nt!ntwaitforsingleobject nt!kifastcallentry ntdll!kifastsystemcallret kd> .prefer_dml 1 dml versions of commands on default kd> kc # warning: stack unwind information not available. following frames may wrong. 00 livekdd 01 nt!kiinitialpcr 02 nt!kewaitforsingleobject 03 nt!ntwaitforsingleobject 04 nt!kifastcallentry 05 ntdll!kifastsystemcal

triggers - MySQL callback after alter table -

there solution in mysql detect changes in first table ( alter table ) have identical copy of second table structure (no data). i copy columns, column default values , types. some procedure , trigger or else? as far know, mysql not support ddl triggers. workaround here might enabling general logging table, using external scheduled(?) script select ddl queries interested in , whatever want based on information

python - Gather dict from another dict in Ansible -

i have dict: users_to_add: - username: harley quinn login: 90987264 group: mininform group_desc: "some random data description" personal_data: - first_name: harley last_name: quinn mail: telnum: +7777777777 jobtitle: minister - username: vasya pupkin login: 77777777 group: mininform group_desc: "some random data description" personal_data: - first_name: vasya last_name: pupkin mail: telnum: +7970000000 jobtitle: minister and have ansible module works lists: - name: create needed groups ipa_group: state: present name: "{{ }}" description: "{{ item.group_desc }}" ipa_host: "{{ global_host }}" ipa_user: "{{ global_user }}" ipa_pass: "{{ global_pass }}" validate_certs: no

sitecore - Model has value even when null is passed to view through controller -

i using glass mapper mapping sitecore item class objects. in 1 of module when pass null view, model still has value. seems inheriting page properties. below screenshots. screen shot 1: passing null value view screen shot 2: model in view still has value below code related_content generated tds: /// <summary> /// related_content /// <para></para> /// <para>path: /sitecore/templates/user defined/pokercentral/component templates/data templates/callouts/related content</para> /// <para>id: 2b54f9fd-1fb5-4638-98b0-0acd420c5b81</para> /// </summary> [sitecoretype(templateid=irelated_contentconstants.templateidstring)] //, cachable = true public partial class related_content : glassbase, irelated_content { /// <summary> /// item listing field. /// <para></para> /// <para>field type: treelist</para> /// <para>field

Connecting Remote MongoDB in PHP to get the results in collection -

hi can me configuring mongodb in php below details, i have tried connecting below mongoserver details , results collections, getting error shown below server : port : 27017 username : userdb password : passworddb! authentication db : test-db collection name : messages i have tried below php code details of collection <? echo "<pre>"; $mongo = new mongoclient("mongodb://userdb:passworddb!"); $dbname = "test-db"; var_dump($mongo); $db = $mongo->$dbname; var_dump($db); $cursor = $db->messages->find(); foreach($cursor $value){ var_dump($value); } ?> but getting error like object(mongoclient)#1 (4) { ["connected"]=> bool(true) ["status"]=> null ["server":protected]=> null ["persistent":protected]=> null } object(mongodb)#3 (2) { [&qu

java - DOM avoid preserve whitespaces -

is way avoid preserve whitespaces in dom (whichever java library) ? i have xml file validated xsd schema. schema, <text> element contains texts. element contains element nodes. when edit xml file, visibility, have several types of whitespaces tab, blank, carriage return,... how can parse xml (without xslt, java libraries) without preserve whitespaces not authorized schema ? suggests there setting "requires parser in validating mode" ( ) , supports ignoring white space in element content models. here example, given java code documentbuilderfactory dbf = documentbuilderfactory.newinstance(); dbf.setnamespaceaware(true); dbf.setignoringelementcontentwhitespace(true); schema sche

javascript - Multiple select not working while submiting please give me to select multiple option code -

<form method='post' action=''> <select name='select1' multiple="true"> <option value='1' <?php if(isset($_post[ 'select1'])) { if($_post[ 'select1']=='1' ) { echo 'selected'; } } ?>>imtiyaz</option> <option value='2' <?php if(isset($_post[ 'select1'])) { if($_post[ 'select1']=='2' ) { echo 'selected'; } } ?>>narendra</option> <option value='3' <?php if(isset($_post[ 'select1'])) { if($_post[ 'select1']=='3' ) { echo 'selected'; } }?>>shekar</option> </select><br><br><br> <select name='select2' multiple> <option value='1' <?php if(isset($_post[ 'select2'])) { if($_post[ 'select2']=='1' ) { echo 'selected'; } } ?>>sumit</option> <

Unable to read HDF5 file in R which was written using Python -

i wrote pandas dataframe on disk using to_hdf() function of dataframe (pandas / python 2.7). i want read dataframe in r-environment. using rhdf5 package in r read file. python code dump dataframe data.to_hdf('mydataframe.h5', 'table', append=true) #data pandas dataframe r code read it library(rhdf5) data <- h5read("mydataframe.h5", "table") how can achieved? there better way exchange dataframes between 2 languages? don't want involve .csv lose meta information , slower parse every time read. i don't have error messages, couple of warnings. data read similar want , unable find stored. looks when try explore read object. whereas dataframe stored has shape (1,400,000 x 267). list of 2 $ _i_table:list of 1 ..$ index:list of 10 .. ..$ abounds : int [1:680(1d)] 0 2048 4096 6144 8192 10240 12288 14336 16384 18432 ... .. ..$ bounds : int [1:135, 1:5] 2048 4096 6144 8192 10240 12288 14336 16384 18432 20480 ... .

php - Collect DYNAMIC data on URL via $_GET without form -

i'm blocked on little problem, think i'm close answer, still didn't managed got it. here issue : i have few tags on page, each giving $id_customer , $id_project on page, , on page want collect data on url because need next query. unfortunately i'm not using form give data, can't collect via names. here code : on page send (i guess ok there because have data on url) if($result){ while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){ $id_client=$row['id_client']; $id_projet=$row['id_projet']; $nom=$row['nom']; $adresse_site=$row['adresse_site']; $nom_site=$row['nom_site']; $vignette_site=$row['vignette_site']; $desc_site=$row['desc_site']; $en_ligne=$row['en_ligne']; $_get['id_client']=$id_client; $_get[&

ruby on rails - Prefill a nested element with simple_form -

is possible pre-fill simple_fields_for input datas object ? i have user object. user has_one backpack , backpack has many pockets , , pocket has_many items when building form, i'm using <%= f.simple_fields_for :backpack |backpack| %> <%= render 'backpack', f:backpack %> <% end %> now, when i'm on users#new , whole form empty. initialize backpack fields datas backpack object, possible ? tried doing this: <%= f.simple_fields_for :backpack, @backpack |backpack| %> <%= render 'backpack', f:backpack %> <% end %> along in userscontroller : @user = @backpack = backpack.find(1).deep_clone include: [ :pockets, { pockets: :items } ] but doesn't work: reason, backpack fields filled, pockets , items empty. tried pretty came mind: checked routes nested objects, tried , without deep_cloning, still, nested objects found, makes me wonder, possible initialize form prefilled

python - "IndexError: list index out of range" For planetary simulator -

traceback (most recent call last): file "n:\starry\planetary orbits ver", line 121 updatedisplay(pos) # updates 3d displays position of masses file "n:\starry\planetary orbits ver", line 100, in updatedisplay stars[i].pos = pos[i] indexerror: list index out of range i've been getting error , can't find out why, i've checked see numpy arrays , lists have values in them, shown below in python shell: number of stars: 2 please enter x position of star: 0 please enter y position of star: 0 please enter z position of star: 0 please enter radius of star: 10 please enter mass of star: 5000000 please enter x speed of star: 0 please enter y speed of star: 0 please enter z speed of star: 0 please enter x position of star: 100 please enter y position of star: 0 please enter z position of star: 0 please enter radius of star: 10 please enter mass of star: 5000000 please enter x speed of star: 0 please enter y speed of star: 0 please enter

node.js - how to get a project lead column values from jira to node js -

i have listed project name , keys using . trying project lead column values below code similar getting project name. in public/js/jira-activity.js row.append("td").append('span') .classed({ 'project-lead': true }) .append("a") // make name link project .attr('href', function (item) { return projectbaseurl + item.key; }) // since we're in iframe, need set _top .attr('target', "_top") .text(function (item) { return item.lead; }); but doesn't displays in column. 1 tell me going wrong seeing tutorial above link.

scala - Implicit twirl parameter: Unspecified value parameter messages -

i trying use internationalization in twirl templates. followed guide: i having issues implicit messages: messages . have reduced setup bare minimum on error occurs: testcontroller import javax.inject.inject import play.api.i18n.{i18nsupport, messagesapi} import play.api.mvc.{action, controller} class testcontroller @inject()(val messagesapi: messagesapi) extends controller i18nsupport { def index = action { ok(views.html.test.render()) } } test.scala.html @()(implicit messages: messages) i have added routesgenerator := injectedroutesgenerator build.sbt. this should sufficient according docs , guide linked above. still following compile time error: [error] app/controllers/testcontroller.scala:11: not enough arguments method render: (messages: play.api.i18n.messages)play.twirl.api.htmlformat.appendable. [error] unspecified value parameter messages. [error] ok(views.html.test.render()) play version: 2.5

android - How to set tab at position 1 in viewpager -

i've 2 tabs. default 0's position tab selected wan select tab @ 1st position. i've tried tablayout tablayout = (tablayout) findviewbyid(; tab = tablayout.gettabat(someindex);; also didn't work. search on stackoverflow , apply @ position 1 app crashed. tablayout = (tablayout) findviewbyid(; tablayout.addtab(tablayout.newtab().settext("add expense")); tablayout.addtab(tablayout.newtab().settext("add ledger")); final viewpager viewpager = (viewpager) findviewbyid(; final tabadapter adapter = new tabadapter(getsupportfragmentmanager(), tablayout.gettabcount()); viewpager.setadapter(adapter); viewpager.addonpagechangelistener(new tablayout.tablayoutonpagechangelistener(tablayout)); tablayout.gettabat(1).select(); // } tablayout.addontabselectedlistener (new tablayout.ontabselectedlistene

c++ - Sending data from a boost asio client -

i trying write program can send data on network java server listening on port. #include "stdafx.h" #include <boost/asio.hpp> #include <boost/array.hpp> #include <iostream> void do_somenetwork(std::string host, int port, std::string message) { std::array<char, 1024> _arr; boost::asio::io_service ios; boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint(boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(host), port); boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(ios); socket.connect(endpoint); boost::array<char, 128> buf; std::copy(message.begin(), message.end(), buf.begin()); boost::system::error_code error; socket.write_some(boost::asio::buffer(buf, message.size()), error); socket.read_some(boost::asio::buffer(_arr)); std::cout.write(&_arr[0], 1024); socket.close(); } int main(){ do_somenetwork(std::string(""), 50000, ";llsdfsdf"); char ch; std::cin >> ch; } when use pr

linux - Why can't I adjust size used by my android emulator? -

i try run android emulator on vps debian8.2 installed, has 1gb memory. bash script used start android image: 1 #!/bin/bash 2 3 dir=./ 4 5 $dir/emulator64-ranchu-arm64 -system $dir/system.img -data $dir/userdata.img -ramdisk $dir/ramdisk.img -kernel $dir/image -cache $dir/cache.img -sysdir $dir -no-window -verbose -show-kernel but failed with: [...] concatenated qemu options: ./qemu/linux-x86_64/qemu-system-aarch64 -cpu cortex-a57 -machine type=ranchu -m 1024 -append 'console=ttyama0,38400 keep_bootcon earlyprintk=ttyama0' -serial mon:stdio -kernel .//image -initrd .//ramdisk.img -drive index=0,id=sdcard,file=.//system.img -device virtio-blk-device,drive=sdcard -drive index=1,id=userdata,file=.//.//userdata.img -device virtio-blk-device,drive=userdata -drive index=2,id=cache,file=.//cache.img -device virtio-blk-device,drive=cache -drive index=3,id=system,file=.//system.img -device virtio-blk-device,drive=system -netdev user,id=mynet -device virtio-net-device,netdev

Find data one tab to another tab in iMacro -

i need find data current tab multi tab, possible in imacro? kindly me. here code work in 1 tab only. tab t=1 set !datasource jobcard-no.csv set !loop 2 set !datasource_line {{!loop}} 'select beneficiary job card no. tag pos=1 type=select form=id:aspnetform attr=id:ctl00_contentplaceholder1_ddl_registration content=%*{{!col1}}* wait seconds=2 'clear text in unnecessary field prompt insert<sp>rowno<sp>toclear :!var1 tag pos={{!var1}} type=input:text form=id:aspnetform attr=id:ctl00_contentplaceholder1_gvdata_ctl*_dt_app content= tag pos={{!var1}} type=input:text form=id:aspnetform attr=id:ctl00_contentplaceholder1_gvdata_ctl*_dt_from content= 'fill date in specified field prompt enter<sp>rowno<sp>filldate :!var2 tag pos={{!var2}} type=input:text form=id:aspnetform attr=id:ctl00_contentplaceholder1_gvdata_ctl*_dt_app content=22/09/2016 tag pos={{!var2}} type=input:text form=id:aspnetform attr=id:ctl00_contentplaceholder1_gvdata_ctl*_dt_from

My simple camera app (android) won't load the camera view after the first attempt -

i'm trying make simple camera app uses runtime seems load fine first time app launched (asking camera permission). after allowing access, works...but close , start again, shows white image icons won't respond. i've checked permissions manually in app , camera still granted access think i'm screwing permissions code. here mainactivity code: public class mainactivity extends appcompatactivity { private static final int my_permissions_request_camera = 1; private camera mcamera = null; private camera mcamerafront = null; private cameraview mcameraview = null; public int switchcamera = 1; // int permissioncheck = contextcompat.checkselfpermission(this, //; // string[] perms = {""}; // int permsrequestcode = 200; protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layo

html - How to add class if single tag? -

i have 4 <li></li> , showed or not. {% if li == 1 %}{% endif %} how add class if 1 (single) <li></li> showed? if display collection of items can check length of array. example: {% set elems = ['1','2'] %} {# {% set elems = ['1'] %} #} {%for elem in elems %} <li{% if elems|length == 1 %} class="single" {% endif %}> {{elem}} </li> {%endfor%} here working example hope help

node.js - node js on .NET Compact Framework 3.5 -

there requirement in our organisation able develop web application via node js there 2 classes of devices. 1 runs on linux , other 1 runs on windows ce , executes code built on .net cf 3.5 for linux , node js available , can directly download , use binary .exe. my question : implemented node js in .net cf 3.5, can use build web apps on win ce , runs on .net 3.5 runtime.

eloquent - Searching data of laravel meta table of type metable -

i have 3 tables users, articles , metas. had defined morphto() , morphtomany() according laravel 5.3 doc , can pull particular property of either user or article defined in metas table such firstname or lastname or coordinate. now having difficulties writing correct model search these properties e.g search user's firstname or lastname or both. <u>user table</u> id. username. password 1. test. testpass <u>article</> id. title. slug 1. article title. my-article-title metas table id. key. value. metable_id metable_type 1 firstname ade 1 app\user 2. content. sample article 1. app\article 3. lastname. keon. 1. app\user meta.php extract public function metable() { return $this->morphto(); } user.php extract public funct

sql - How correctly built an object graph based on multi level join in Slick? -

i have model structure following: group -> many parties -> many participants in on of api calls need single groups parties , it's participants attached. this whole structure built on 4 tables: group party party_participant participant naturally, sql it's pretty straight forward join combines of them. , trying slick. mu method dao class looks this: def findonebykeyandaccountidwithpartiesandparticipants(key: uuid, accountid: int): future[option[journeygroup]] = { val joins = journeygroups.groups join parties.parties on ( === _.journeygroupid) joinleft partiesparticipants.relations on ( === _.partyid) joinleft participants.participants on ( === val query = joins.filter(_._1._1._1.accountid === accountid).filter(_._1._1._1.key === key) val q = { (((journeygroup, party), partyparticipant), participant) <- query } yield (journeygroup, party,

c# - What is the reason behind this type of error? -

i'm getting below error when running app after deploy. "android.content.res.resources+notfoundexception: file res/drawable-mdpi- v4/submenulistitem_background_top.xml drawable resource id #0x7f02008e" the code giving error as: txtlistitem.setbackgroundresource(resource.drawable.submenulistitem_background_top); i have xml resource present in drawable folders , entry resource present in resource.designer.cs file. app running fine latest android devices, giving error in 1 of old android device. older device have api v10. when drawable given in *.axml - android:background="@drawable/something" v10 device, finds , draws ui, when set drawable programmatically, type of error occurs, code adapter as: using; using android.views; using android.widget; namespace greenlee.ethernet.androiddevice { public class submenulistviewadapter : baseadapter<string> { string[] items; activity context; public submenulistviewadap

powershell - How to print return value of function -

so have simple function return current script location: function get-currentdir { $myinvocation.mycommand.path } and want print this, try powershell ise after function declaration: write-host $(get-currentdir) write-host (get-currentdir) write-host get-currentdir and output: write-host $(get-currentdir) --> write-host $(get-currentdir) write-host (get-currentdir) --> write-host (get-currentdir) write-host get-currentdir --> write-host get-currentdir what doing wrong ? ok, need variable script scope, so: function get-currentdir { $script:myinvocation.mycommand.path } also won't work interactively. want read more about_scopes in powershell.

javascript - jQuery Function to Toggle Overflow Not working on Microsoft Edge -

i have written jquery function toggle between overflow-y: hidden, and, overflow-y: auto upon pressing button. works great on chrome, opera , firefox on desktops. reason microsoft edge not work rather strange since rest of browsers worked without problem. , explanation wonderful! $(".pro-toggle").click(function(){ var hidden = $('body').css('overflow'); if(hidden == 'hidden'){ $("body").css("overflow-y","auto"); } else { $("body").css("overflow","hidden"); } }); <button class="navbar-toggle collapsed pro-toggle pull-left" data-toggle="collapse"> <span class="icon-bar top-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar middle-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar bottom-bar"></span> </button> please find support scroll bar styling in edge browse

c# - Linq: find elements with common properties but different types -

i have 2 list objects: class class1 { public int id { get; set; } public string name { get; set; } public guid uniqueidentifier { get; set; } public bool isvalid { get; set; } } class class2 { public int identifier { get; set; } public string producer{ get; set; } public guid guid { get; set; } public int supplierid { get; set; } } is there way use linq elements of type class1 list have same id (identifier) , guid elements of type class2 second list? here 1 way it: var result = list1 .where(x => list2.any(y => == y.identifier && x.uniqueidentifier == y.guid)) .tolist(); please note version not optimized large lists. if lists small, fine. if have large lists, need solution involves things hashset s. here example: var list2hashset = createhashset( => new {x.identifier, x.guid})); var result = list1 .where(x => list2hashset.contains(new {identifier =, guid = x.uniqueidenti

php - Trying to get Composer to bring a folder 'src/' from it's package over with it to a my project -

i built little library test how can use composer build libraries , bring across projects when ever. can inject library fine doesn't seem bring across folder 'src/' hold classes. want composer bring folder along rest of library can use it. have tried working around composer.json file using psr-4, classmap etc must doing wrong. my files , folder structure below. library composer.json file: { "name": "icbfdblibs/ipmanager", "description": "ipmanager library", "license": "bsd-3-clause", "keywords": [ "framework", "zf2" ], "homepage": "", "require": { "php": ">=5.3.3", "zendframework/zendframework": "~2.4" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "ipmanager\\": "src/" } }, "classmap": [ "src/" ] }

javascript - I want to implement increment slider with multiple steps in jQuery ui slider -

basically i'm trying implement jquery step slider given in link link . slider should $0 $100,000 should increase in increments of $100 till $10,000 $1000 increments $10,000 $20,000 $10,000 increments $20,000 $100,000 i have tried implement code 0-1000 not working after working fine. below code have used:- html: <div class="range-slider-div-outer"> <div class="range-slider-div"> <div id="slider-range"></div> <div class="slider-input"> <input type="text" id="amount1" class="form-control pull-left" readonly> <span class="to-span"> </span> <input type="text" id="amount2" class="form-control pull-right" readonly> </div> </div> </div> jquery: $( function() { $( "#slider-range" ).slider({

java - Criteria Api: Use another parameter in multiselect, if the first one is null -

i have pojo class person has 2 field. lets assume 1 of them holds value , other 1 always null public class person { private string music; private string sports; ... } i want fill either 1 or other list of dtos via criteria api. here snippet of (incomplete) dao code: criteriabuilder cb = em.getcriteriabuilder(); criteriaquery<persondto> query = cb.createquery(persondto.class); root<person> root= query.from(person.class); path<string> musicpath = root.get(; path<string> sportspath= root.get(person_.sports); query.multiselect(/** todo */); list<persondto> results = em.createquery(query).getresultlist(); is there way use either music oder sports multiselect, depending on of them not null current record. or have define subquery achieve behavior? you looking coalesce expression (see ch. "query language", paragraph "case expressions" in specification). create expression returns null

c++ - Direct paint to QwtPlot slows down with size of samples -

not simple question. on project collect 3d data points national instruments device , plot them qwtplot in real time trough qwtplotspectrocurve (color gradient plot). because it's real time use qwtplotdirectpainter paint latest points acquired. rate of acquision 500 3dpts/s (and should able fast 2000 3dpts/s). i'll acquire 500x500 = 250 000 pts, 1000x1000 = 1 000 000 pts in total. the issue have paint job slows down qvector array gets more , more points. wasn't expecting i'm using directpainter job. i'd expect constant rate. here's flow of program. a dedicated class holds base elements: qvector<qwtpoint3d> trace; // data holder qwtplotspectrocurve tracecurvedata; // color gradient painting qwtplotdirectpainter dirpainter; // paints last points int newpoints=0; // count new points in need of beeing plotted inconstructor(){ // in constructor of class holds of tracecurvedata.setrenderthreadcount(0); tracecurvedata.attach(this); // cla