java - Hibernate One-to-Many Mapping Using Annotations; I'm trying to use foreign key association to save a user id in another table. -
i'm not able make work. i've tried using join table, result same. user id need appear in table commissions doesn't.
here's how i've created entities.
for user , userrole i've used join table , works. i've tried same commission no success (the joining table remained empty) tried below foreign key association.
@entity @table(name="users") public class user implements serializable{ /** * serialversionuid */ private static final long serialversionuid = 1l; @id @generatedvalue(strategy=generationtype.identity) private integer id; @notempty @column(name="username", unique=true, nullable=false) private string username; @notempty @column(name="password", nullable=false) private string password; @notempty @column(name="first_name", nullable=false) private string firstname; @notempty @column(name="last_name", nullable=false) private string lastname; @notempty @column(name="email", nullable=false) private string email; @notempty @manytomany(targetentity=userrole.class, fetch = fetchtype.lazy) @jointable(name = "users_user_role", joincolumns = { @joincolumn(name = "user_id") }, inversejoincolumns = { @joincolumn(name = "user_role_id") }) private set<userrole> userroles = new hashset<userrole>(); @onetomany(fetch = fetchtype.lazy, mappedby="user") private set<commission> commissions; //getters , setters
@entity @table(name="commissions") public class commission implements serializable{ /** * serialversionuid */ private static final long serialversionuid = 1l; @id @generatedvalue(strategy=generationtype.identity) private integer id; @notempty @column(name="order_name", unique=true, nullable=false) private string ordername; @notempty @column(name="order_details", unique=true, nullable=false) private string orderdetails; @column(name="order_status", unique=true, nullable=false) private string orderstatus; @manytoone(fetch = fetchtype.lazy) @joincolumn(name = "user_id", nullable = false) private user user; //getters , setters
@entity @table(name="user_role") public class userrole implements serializable{ /** * serialversionuid */ private static final long serialversionuid = 1l; @id @generatedvalue(strategy=generationtype.identity) private integer id; @column(name="role", length=15, unique=true, nullable=true) private string role = userroletype.user.getuserroletype(); // getuserroletype defined in enum 'admin', 'dba', 'user' //getters , setters
in userdao , commissiondao i've used sessionfactory save entities.
extract abstract class extended userdao , commissiondao.
@autowired private sessionfactory sessionfactory; protected session getsession(){ return sessionfactory.getcurrentsession(); } public void persist(t entity) { getsession().save(entity); }
when create new user, works fine. joining table has correct id's added it. however... when add new commission, commission added in commissions table user_id remains null.
i'm new hibernate , "project" of mine, think might've bit more can chew.
maybe issue somewhere else in code , not here?
anyhow, i'm in bit of bind , use expertise guys. cheers!
thanks rossi robinsion. it.
i missed associate user in commission controller. before.
@requestmapping(value = { "/newcommission" }, method = public string savecommission(@valid commission commission, bindingresult result, modelmap model) { if (result.haserrors()) { return "commissioncreation"; } if(!commissionservice.isuserordernameunique(commission.getid(), commission.getordername())){ fielderror ordernameerror =new fielderror("commission","ordername", messagesource.getmessage("non.unique.ordername", new string[]{commission.getordername()}, locale.getdefault())); result.adderror(ordernameerror); return "commissioncreation"; } commissionservice.savecommission(commission); model.addattribute("success", "your commission created."); model.addattribute("loggedinuser", getprincipal()); return "commissioncreationsuccess"; }
this after.
@requestmapping(value = { "/newcommission" }, method = public string savecommission(@valid commission commission, bindingresult result, modelmap model) { if (result.haserrors()) { return "commissioncreation"; } if(!commissionservice.isuserordernameunique(commission.getid(), commission.getordername())){ fielderror ordernameerror =new fielderror("commission","ordername", messagesource.getmessage("non.unique.ordername", new string[]{commission.getordername()}, locale.getdefault())); result.adderror(ordernameerror); return "commissioncreation"; } user user = userservice.findbyusername(getprincipal()); // associated user properly. commission.setuser(user); commissionservice.savecommission(commission); model.addattribute("success", "your commission created."); model.addattribute("loggedinuser", getprincipal()); return "commissioncreationsuccess"; }
i don't know how miss this... sigh...
thanks mate!
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