Executing Python script without hanging terminal -

now question might seem questions this 1 , this one.

however unfortunately above solutions don't work me. need way execute python 3.4.3 script, leave running when terminal closes, , have not hang in terminal , executed directly.

pi@raspberrypi:/var/www/html/mysite/scripts $ nohup python3 my.script.py &                                                                                                                                                           

the above runs script, hangs in terminal, cannot enter other commands until stop it, pressing ctrl + c.

is there way achieve this:

pi@raspberrypi:/var/www/html/mysite/scripts $ nohup python3 my.script.py & pi@raspberrypi:/var/www/html/mysite/scripts $  (now enter more commands, despite script still running) 

i hope have provided enough information, can me, thanks!

based on quick google search, found

start /b python3 my.script.py 

for windows or

python3 my.script.py & 

on lunix (bash).
