ajax - Enable Antiforgery Token with ASP.NET Core and JQuery -

i using jquery asp.net core 1.0.1 , have ajax call:

$("#send-message").on("submit", function (event) {   event.preventdefault();   var $form = $(this);      $.ajax({     url: "api/messages",     data: json.stringify($form.serializetojson()),     datatype: "json",     headers: {       accept: "application/json",       "content-type": "application/json"     },     type: "post"   })   .done(function (data, status, xhr) { })   .fail(function (xhr, status, error) { }); 

to asp.net core action:

[httppost("messages")] public async task<iactionresult> post([frombody]messagepostapimodelmodel model) {    // send message } 

the form in shared view , following:

<form id="send-question" method="post">   <textarea name="content"></textarea>   <button class="button" type="submit">enviar</button> </form> 

when submit form error:

microsoft.aspnetcore.antiforgery.antiforgeryvalidationexception: required antiforgery header value "requestverificationtoken" not present. 

how can enable asp.net core's antiforgerytoken jquery ajax calls?


i need add following asp-controller , asp-action form:

<form asp-controller="questionapi" asp-action="post" id="send-question" method="post"> </form> 

this generate antiforgery token. , needed manually add token headers of jquery call follows:

  headers: {     "accept": "application/json",     "content-type": "application/json",     "requestverificationtoken": $form.find("input[name='af_token']").val()   }, 

is there better way this?

how solve when there not form , have tag when clicked makes ajax call? can generate common antiforgery token on page head used ajax calls page?

mode777's answer needs small addition make work (i tried it):

$(document).ajaxsend(function(e, xhr, options) {     if (options.type.touppercase() == "post") {         var token = $form.find("input[name='af_token']").val();         xhr.setrequestheader("requestverificationtoken", token);     } }); 

actually, if submit using ajax, don't need use form @ all. put in _layout:

 <span class="antiforge"> @html.antiforgerytoken() </span> 

then pickup token adding javascript:

$(document)    .ajaxsend(function (event, jqxhr, settings) {         if (settings.type.touppercase() != "post") return;         jqxhr.setrequestheader('requestverificationtoken', $(".antiforge" + " input").val()) }) 

the @htmlantiforgerytoken generates hidden input field antiforgery token, same when using form. code above finds using class selector select span, gets input field inside collect token , add header.
