r - set default filter in gfile open dialog -

i using gwidgets2tcltk produce simple gfile() open dialog filter= select csv files.

how can make csv filter default filter?

this almost want:

library(gwidgets2tcltk) # v. 1.0.5 library(gwidgets2)      # v. 1.0.7  gfile(text='select csv input',       type='open',       initial.filename = null,       initial.dir='d:/workspace/folder',       toolkit=guitoolkit(name='tcltk'),       filter=c('csv'='csv') ) 

the issue csv filter not selected default -- has selected user via drop-down.

enter image description here

the documentation under ?gfile sparse. literally:

a filter specifiation. can named character vector of file extensions or toolkit specific. here examples:

  • characterc("csv"="csv","txt"="txt")
  • rgtk2 list("all files" = list(patterns = c("")), "r files" = list(patterns = c(".r", "*.rdata")), "text files" = list(mime.types = c("text/plain")) )

  • tcltk

  • qt

i'm on r 3.3.1 on windows 7.


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