ios - Issue with launch image in iPhone 6S plus and iPhone 7 plus -

i quite new xcode. have images launch screen of app. have added them using drag , drop icons (images.xassets -> launchimage).

all of them works in devices except iphone 6s plus , iphone 7 plus.

my contents.json file looks this

{   "images" : [ {   "orientation" : "portrait",   "idiom" : "iphone",   "extent" : "full-screen",   "scale" : "1x" }, {   "orientation" : "portrait",   "idiom" : "iphone",   "filename" : "ios_portrait_640x1136.png",   "extent" : "full-screen",   "scale" : "2x" }, {   "orientation" : "portrait",   "idiom" : "iphone",   "filename" : "ios_portrait_640x1136-1.png",   "extent" : "full-screen",   "subtype" : "retina4",   "scale" : "2x" }, {   "orientation" : "portrait",   "idiom" : "ipad",   "filename" : "ios_portrait_750x1334.png",   "extent" : "to-status-bar",   "scale" : "1x" }, {   "orientation" : "portrait",   "idiom" : "ipad",   "filename" : "ios_portrait_750x1334-1.png",   "extent" : "full-screen",   "scale" : "1x" }, {   "orientation" : "landscape",   "idiom" : "ipad",   "filename" : "ios_landscape_1136x640.png",   "extent" : "to-status-bar",   "scale" : "1x" }, {   "orientation" : "landscape",   "idiom" : "ipad",   "filename" : "ios_landscape_1136x640-1.png",   "extent" : "full-screen",   "scale" : "1x" }, {   "orientation" : "portrait",   "idiom" : "ipad",   "filename" : "ios_portrait_1536x2048.png",   "extent" : "to-status-bar",   "scale" : "2x" }, {   "orientation" : "portrait",   "idiom" : "ipad",   "filename" : "ios_portrait_1536x2048-1.png",   "extent" : "full-screen",   "scale" : "2x" }, {   "orientation" : "landscape",   "idiom" : "ipad",   "filename" : "ios_landscape_2048x1536-2.png",   "extent" : "to-status-bar",   "scale" : "2x" }, {   "orientation" : "landscape",   "idiom" : "ipad",   "filename" : "ios_landscape_2048x1536-3.png",   "extent" : "full-screen",   "scale" : "2x" }, {   "extent" : "full-screen",   "idiom" : "iphone",   "subtype" : "736h",   "filename" : "ios_portrait_1080x1920.png",   "minimum-system-version" : "8.0",   "orientation" : "portrait",   "scale" : "3x" }, {   "extent" : "full-screen",   "idiom" : "iphone",   "subtype" : "736h",   "filename" : "ios_landscape_2048x1536-1.png",   "minimum-system-version" : "8.0",   "orientation" : "landscape",   "scale" : "3x" }, {   "extent" : "full-screen",   "idiom" : "iphone",   "subtype" : "667h",   "filename" : "ios_portrait_750x1334-2.png",   "minimum-system-version" : "8.0",   "orientation" : "portrait",   "scale" : "2x" }, {   "orientation" : "portrait",   "idiom" : "iphone",   "extent" : "full-screen",   "minimum-system-version" : "7.0",   "scale" : "2x" }, {   "extent" : "full-screen",   "idiom" : "iphone",   "subtype" : "retina4",   "filename" : "ios_portrait_640x1136-2.png",   "minimum-system-version" : "7.0",   "orientation" : "portrait",   "scale" : "2x" }, {   "orientation" : "portrait",   "idiom" : "ipad",   "filename" : "ios_portrait_750x1334-3.png",   "extent" : "full-screen",   "minimum-system-version" : "7.0",   "scale" : "1x" }, {   "orientation" : "landscape",   "idiom" : "ipad",   "filename" : "ios_landscape_1334x750.png",   "extent" : "full-screen",   "minimum-system-version" : "7.0",   "scale" : "1x" }, {   "orientation" : "portrait",   "idiom" : "ipad",   "filename" : "ios_portrait_1536x2048-2.png",   "extent" : "full-screen",   "minimum-system-version" : "7.0",   "scale" : "2x" }, {   "orientation" : "landscape",   "idiom" : "ipad",   "filename" : "ios_landscape_2048x1536.png",   "extent" : "full-screen",   "minimum-system-version" : "7.0",   "scale" : "2x" } ], "info" : {   "version" : 1,   "author" : "xcode" } } 

i using xcode 8 , deployment target ios 10.0

any appreciated

change your

{   "extent" : "full-screen",   "idiom" : "iphone",   "subtype" : "736h",   "filename" : "ios_portrait_1080x1920.png",   "minimum-system-version" : "8.0",   "orientation" : "portrait",   "scale" : "3x" }, 


{   "extent" : "full-screen",   "idiom" : "iphone",   "subtype" : "736h",   "filename" : "ios_portrait_1242x2208.png",   "minimum-system-version" : "8.0",   "orientation" : "portrait",   "scale" : "3x" }, 

and make sure image ios_portrait_1242x2208.png resolution 1242x2208.


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