visjs - Fonts in custom SVG node Image with vis.js network -

i'm looking nodes circles font-icon in middle , stock label below. (,output) close i'm looking except need pass font name , icon code use.

function nodeimage(color, icon, font) {   var svg = '<svg xmlns="" ' +                  'width="120" height="120" viewport="0 0 120 120">' +             '<ellipse ry="55" rx="55" cy="60" cx="60" ' +                  'style="fill:' + color + ';stroke:black;stroke-opacity:.5;stroke-width:4;" />' +             '<text x="61" y="63" text-anchor="middle" dominant-baseline="middle" ' +                  'style="font-family:' + font + ';font-size:100px;fill:black;fill-opacity:.5;">' +                  icon + '</text>' +             '</svg>';   return 'data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,' + encodeuricomponent(svg); } 

i'm calling nodeimage('red', '&#xf03d;', 'fontawesome') in page using font elsewhere don't think issue it's not loaded.

here's pic of resulting node

any suggestions on i'm going wrong?

i think need write nodeimage('red', '\uf03d', 'fontawesome').

"remember! unicode in javascript done this: \uf274 unicode f274. if node shown rectangle, means css not loaded (or not yet loaded). redraw fix that."


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