php - How to Multiply Product unit with feature value in cart summary Prestashop -

screenshot (prestashop) added image of cart summary. added product features in cart summary , 1 of them "bag" weight in kg. "total kg" section shows total weight means "product quantity x bag weight". used code , it's working when click add cart.

<td> {assign var="features"     value=product::getfrontfeaturesstatic(context::getcontext()->language->id,   $product.id_product)}  {foreach $features $feature} {if $feature.id_feature == 9} <div>{$feature.value*$product.cart_quantity|escape:'htmlall':'utf-8'} kg</div> {/if} {/foreach} </td> 

but when increase quantity directly through cart summary page through + , - buttons it's not working. know possible using ajax only.

when product quantity modified on cart page ajax request sent cartcontroller.php (front) , calls updateqty() function in cart.php class file.

so need add code using updateqty() function well.


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