reactjs - dataTable cols don't span to the correct width (dc.js,crossfilter, d3 v4.2.8,React) -

the datatable doesn't span required colspan/width. tried change react way in , entering .on('renderlet', function (table) {table.selectall style, in dc.css (dc-tabe-row,dc-table-column,.dc-data-table),by applying width on table chart etc. have:

print screen 1: enter image description here

print screen 2: enter image description here

the tablechart.js code:

                import react, { proptypes } 'react';                 import reactdom "react-dom";                 import * d3 'd3';                 import dc "dc";                 import * crossfilter 'crossfilter';                 import {jumbotron } 'react-bootstrap';                  import functiondchelper './functiondchelper';                 import {scaletime, scalelinear} 'd3-scale';                  class tablechart extends react.component {                     componentdidmount() {                         var bitratetablechart = dc.datatable(this.refs.tablechart);                         var { datedimension } = functiondchelper.generatevalues(;                         bitratetablechart                        .dimension(datedimension)                         // data table not use crossfilter group rather closure grouping function                        .group(function (d) {                            var format = d3.format('02d');                            return d.bitdate.getfullyear() + '/'  + format((d.bitdate.getmonth() + 1));                       })                        .columns(                        [                          'datetime',                          'channel_id',                          'bitrate'                        ])                         .ordering(function (d ) { return d.bitdate; })   /// sortby(function (d) { return d.bitdate; })                        // (_optional_) custom renderlet post-process chart using [d3](                        .on('renderlet', function (table) {                            table.selectall('.dc-table-group').classed('info', true);                        })                        .size(15)                         bitratetablechart.render();// dc.renderall();                     }                     render() {                         return(                              <div classname="row">                                <div classname="table table-hover dc-data-table dc-table-row" ref="tablechart">                              </div>                         </div>                         )                     }                 }                  export default tablechart; 

the container.js code:

            import react 'react'             import reactdom "react-dom";             import reactgridlayout "react-grid-layout";             import header "../components/header.js";             import linechart "../components/linechart.js";             import timechart "../components/timechart.js";             import tablechart "../components/tablechart.js";              class dashboard extends react.component {                   render() {                      var layout = [                      {i: 'a', x: 0, y: 0, w: 2, h: 2,minw: 2, maxw: 4},                      {i: 'b', x: 1, y: 1, w: 3, h: 2},                      {i: 'c', x: 4, y: 0, w: 1, h: 2},                      {i: 'd', x: 5, y: 0, w: 1, h: 2},                      {i: 'e', x: 6, y: 0, w: 1, h: 2},                      {i: 'f', x: 7, y: 0, w: 1, h: 2}                      ];                     return (                  <div>                       <div >                          <linechart data={}  rangeslider={this.dctimechart}/>                      </div>                      <div >                         <tablechart data={} style={divstyle} />                      </div>                 </div>                     )                 }             }              export default dashboard; 

the dcfunctionhelper.js code:

                import crossfilter 'crossfilter';             import * d3 'd3';             import dc 'dc';              var mindate,min15,bitrateweekminintervalgroupmove,maxdate,minintervalweekbitrategroup,datedimension,dateformat,numberformat,maxbit;              function nonzero_min(chart) {                 dc.override(chart, 'yaxismin', function () {                     var min = d3.min(, function (layer) {                                     return d3.min(layer.values, function (p) {                             return p.y + p.y0;                         });                     });                     return dc.utils.subtract(min, chart.yaxispadding());                 });                 return chart;             }             // 15 min interval - copied             var d3_date = date;             function d3_time_interval(local, step, number) {                 function round(date) {                     var d0 = local(date), d1 = offset(d0, 1);                     return date - d0 < d1 - date ? d0 : d1;                 }                 function ceil(date) {                     step(date = local(new d3_date(date - 1)), 1);                     return date;                 }                 function offset(date, k) {                     step(date = new d3_date(+date), k);                     return date;                 }                 function range(t0, t1, dt) {                     var time = ceil(t0), times = [];                     if (dt > 1) {                         while (time < t1) {                             if (!(number(time) % dt)) times.push(new date(+time));                             step(time, 1);                         }                     } else {                         while (time < t1) times.push(new date(+time)), step(time, 1);                     }                     return times;                 }                 function range_utc(t0, t1, dt) {                     try {                         d3_date = d3_date_utc;                         var utc = new d3_date_utc();                         utc._ = t0;                         return range(utc, t1, dt);                     } {                         d3_date = date;                     }                 }                 local.floor = local;                 local.round = round;                 local.ceil = ceil;                 local.offset = offset;                 local.range = range;                 var utc = local.utc = d3_time_interval_utc(local);                 utc.floor = utc;                 utc.round = d3_time_interval_utc(round);                 utc.ceil = d3_time_interval_utc(ceil);                 utc.offset = d3_time_interval_utc(offset);                 utc.range = range_utc;                 return local;             }             function d3_time_interval_utc(method) {                 return function (date, k) {                     try {                         d3_date = d3_date_utc;                         var utc = new d3_date_utc();                         utc._ = date;                         return method(utc, k)._;                     } {                         d3_date = date;                     }                 };             }             // generalization of d3.time.minute copied from-             function n_minutes_interval(nmins) {                 var denom = 6e4 * nmins;                 return d3_time_interval(function (date) {                     return new d3_date(math.floor(date / denom) * denom);                 }, function (date, offset) {                     date.settime(date.gettime() + math.floor(offset) * denom); // dst breaks setminutes                 }, function (date) {                     return date.getminutes();                 });             }               min15 = n_minutes_interval(15);             dateformat = d3.timeformat('%y/%m/%d/%h:%m');             //dateformat = d3.timeparse ('%y/%m/%d/%h:%m');             // parse date / time              //var dateformat = d3.timeparse("%d-%b-%y");              numberformat = d3.format('d');              //### crossfilter dimensions              function generatevalues(data) {                  data.foreach(function (d) {                     d.bitdate = new date(d.datetime);    //d.datetime = dateformat.parse(d.datetime);                    // d.month = d3.time.month(d.bitdate);                   //  d.week = d3.time.week(d.bitdate);                     d.bitrate = string(d.bitrate).match(/\d+/); //d.bitrate = +d.bitrate;                  });                  var crossfiltereddata = crossfilter(data);                 var = crossfiltereddata.groupall();                 // dimension full date                  datedimension = crossfiltereddata.dimension(function (d) {                     return d.bitdate;                  });                    maxbit = d3.max(data, function (d) { return +d["bitrate"]; }); //alert(maxbit);                    //group bitrate per week, 15 mininterval - maintain running tallies                   bitrateweekminintervalgroupmove =                    /* callback when data added current filter results */                    function (p, v) {                        ++p.count;                        p.bitrate = +v.bitrate;               += +v.bitrate;                        p.avg = p.count ? math.round( / p.count) : 0;                        return p;                    },                    /* callback when data removed current filter results */                    function (p, v) {                        --p.count;                        p.bitrate = +v.bitrate;               -= +v.bitrate;                        p.avg = p.count ? math.round( / p.count) : 0;                        return p;                    },                    /* initialize p */                    function () {                        return {                            count: 0,                            bitrate: 0,                            total: 0,                            avg: 0                        };                    }                 );                   try {                     mindate = datedimension.bottom(1)[0].datetime;                 } catch(err) {                     mindate = new date("2016-06-14 0:00");                  }                   try {                     maxdate =[0].datetime;                 } catch(err) {                      maxdate = new date("2016-06-18 23:55");                 }                  return {                     min15, mindate, maxdate, bitrateweekminintervalgroupmove,minintervalweekbitrategroup, datedimension, maxbit                 };             }              export default {                 generatevalues,                 nonzero_min,                 dateformat,                 numberformat             }; 

any appreciated !

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changed style through .dc-table-label in index.html:

                <!doctype html>             <html>               <head>                 <meta charset="utf-8">                  <style>                       path.line {                       fill: none;                       stroke: blue;                       stroke-width: 1.5px;                       }                       .y.axis line,                       .y.axis path {                       fill: none;                       stroke: black;                     }                       .x.axis line,                       .x.axis path {                       fill: none;                       stroke: black;                     }                        path.yref{                            storke-width:1.5px;                            stroke: red;                            dislplay:inline;                       }                         path.xref{                            storke-width:1.5px;                            stroke:red;                            dislplay:inline;                       }                       .dc-table-label{                            width: 1000px;                            column-span:all;                        }                   </style>                 <title>line chart dc.js,react</title>               </head>               <body>                 <div id="app"></div>                 <script src="/bundle.js"></script>               </body>              </html> 

any other/better suggestions welcomed.

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yeah, think css best way go here. dc.datatable bare-bones , not lot of styling on own. in addition, that's not data-driven better styled using css anyway. – gordon nov 11 '16 @ 13:27
thank gordon. – dani nov 11 '16 @ 13:48

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