Convert java List to object using collection -Stream -

from method list> method() output 3 elements

[123456, 10, 03-jan-16] [956233, 20, 03-jan-16] [254656, 30, 03-jan-16] [455556, 40, 04-jan-16] [548566, 50, 03-jan-16] [215663, 60, 03-jan-16] 

i need store above result in pojo class name 'classname' has following columns col1, col2 , col3, try run following code

public void method() {     try {         list<list<string>> list = testdao.methodname();         list<classname> classname= new arraylist<classname>();         (iterator<list<string>> iterator = list.iterator(); iterator.hasnext();) {             list<string> list2 = (list<string>);             int = 0;             classname classname= new classname ();             (iterator<string> iterator2 = list2.iterator(); iterator2.hasnext();) {                 string string = (string);                 /* system.out.println(string); */                 if (i == 0)                     classname.setcol1(string);                 else if (i == 1)                     classname.setcol2(long.parselong(string));                 else if (i == 2)                     classname.setcol3(string);                 i++;              }             odhs.add(classname);              system.out.println(classname);             // system.out.println(classname.col2());             // system.out.println(classname.col3());         }         // system.out.println("total size: "+ odhs.size());     } catch (exception e) {         e.printstacktrace();     } } 

but got output

com.project.model.classname@61af1510 com.project.model.classname@37af1f93 com.project.model.classname@778d82e9 com.project.model.classname@408e96d9 com.project.model.classname@59901c4d com.project.model.classname@168cd36b com.project.model.classname@d8d9199 com.project.model.classname@3901f6af 

please provide solution save datas in pojo class 'classname'

your class odh must override tostring method.


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