VBA: Search, save and replace by rows according to conditions -

i have input this:

gen,n,,,gongd,,,n,,,kl,0007bd,,,,,,,,tak, gen,n,,,ratec,,,n,,,kp,0007bc,,,,,,,,taz, kap,n,,,ebfwe,n,,,,,,,,,kp,002bd4,,,kp,123000,,,,,n,,,,p kap,n,,,st,weit,e3,ebfwei,,,kp,002bd2,n,,,,,,kp,002bd3,,,,,,,z,mg00,,,,,n,,,,p 

i have code this:

sub find() dim rfoundaddress range dim sfirstaddress string dim x long  thisworkbook.worksheets("sheet1").columns(1)     set rfoundaddress = .find("kap,*", lookin:=xlvalues, lookat:=xlwhole)     if not rfoundaddress nothing         sfirstaddress = rfoundaddress.address                     dim wrdarray() string             dim text_string string             dim string             dim k string             dim num long             text_string = rfoundaddress             wrdarray() = split(text_string, "kp,")             = left(wrdarray(1), 6)             k = left(wrdarray(2), 6)              columns("a").replace what:=i, _                         replacement:=k, _                         lookat:=xlpart, _                         searchorder:=xlbyrows, _                         matchcase:=false, _                         searchformat:=false, _                         replaceformat:=false              set rfoundaddress = .findnext(rfoundaddress)         loop while not rfoundaddress nothing , _             rfoundaddress.address <> sfirstaddress     end if end end sub 

what trying do: find lines starting "kap" , save 6 chars/int after first "kp" , 6 chars/int after second "kp" k. search whole data-set (hundreds of rows in column a) if contain string , if yes, replace string k. , loop this. same line starting "kap". code gives me error message: subscript out of range when comes "columns("a")..." second time. can me please?

thank in advance

edited make searched string occurrences same ("kap,*")

you don't want modify (via replace()) range you're looping through

so collect needed replacements in array while looping through range , loop through array , make replacements

like follows:

option explicit  sub find()     dim rfound range     dim sfirstaddress string     dim val variant     dim nkap long      thisworkbook.worksheets("sheet1").columns(1)         nkap = application.worksheetfunction.countif(.cells, "kap,*") '<--| count occurrences of "kap,*"         if nkap > 0             redim vals(1 nkap) variant '<--| array collect find/replace couples             nkap = 0             set rfound = .find("kap,*", lookin:=xlvalues, lookat:=xlwhole)             sfirstaddress = rfound.address                             nkap = nkap + 1                 vals(nkap) = split(split(split(rfound.text, "kp")(1), ",")(1) & "," & split(split(rfound.text, "kp")(2), ",")(1), ",") '<--| store ith couple of find/replace values                 set rfound = .findnext(rfound)             loop while rfound.address <> sfirstaddress              each val in vals '<--| loop through values replaced array                 .replace what:=val(0), _                         replacement:=val(1), _                         lookat:=xlpart, _                         searchorder:=xlbyrows, _                         matchcase:=false, _                         searchformat:=false, _                         replaceformat:=false              next val         end if       end end sub  function getvalues(txt string) variant     if instr(txt, "kp") > 0 getvalues = split(split(split(txt, "kp")(1), ",")(1) & "," & split(split(txt, "kp")(2), ",")(1), ",") end function 
