Pass function pointer from C++ to objective-c -

i'm trying pass function pointer c++ class objective-c class. want store function pointer in class variable of objective-c class , use callback function c++ class.

i've bridged few calls c++ objective-c passing void pointers objects, when comes passing function pointer, can't manage it.

i have c++ class (.h , .cpp files), interface (.h file) , objective-c class (.h , .mm files):

c++ header:

class cppclass {     void showaboutwnd(){}//does nothing     getobjc(); } 

c++ .cpp:

#include "cppclass.h" #include "bridgeheader.h" void* objc;  void cppclass::getobjc {     objc = getobjinstance();//gets objective-c object use further     showui(objc);      void (cppclass::*functptr)() = null;     functptr = &cppclass::showaboutwnd;     setshowaboutptr(objc, functptr);     //the last call generates semantic error: no matching function call 'setshowaboutptr' } 

the bridge header:

int showui(void *objc); void setshowaboutptr(void *objc, void (*functptr)()); 

the objective-c implement file (.mm):

@implementation classobjectivec  // c trampoline function invoke objective-c method int showui (void *self) {    return [(id)self dooverrides];//calls method customise nsview }   void setshowaboutptr (void *self, void (*f)()) {    // nothing atm } 

i semantic error when try call setshowaboutptr(objc, functptr); .cpp file: no matching function call 'setshowaboutptr'.
