ionic2 - ng2-translate fails on iOS device when trying to set language with NetworkError (DOM Exception 19): A network error occurred -

i have been trying figure out why globalization.getpreferredlanguage() fail when running on ios device (not when running on simulator or android device / emulator)

            globalization.getpreferredlanguage().then((property) => {                 let lang = property.value;                 if (lang) {                     if (lang.startswith('en')){                         this.translate.use('en_gb');                                                 }                     else if (lang.startswith('fr')) {                         this.translate.use('fr_fr');                     }                     else {                         this.translate.use('en_gb');                     }                 } else {                     console.log("property.value null");                 }             }).catch((reason) => {                 this.translate.use('en_gb');// <-- not not work, reason given networkerror (dom exception 19):  network error occurred.                                 }); 

what have tried:

  • removing , adding globalization plugin both ionic , cordova instructions:

ionic plugin rm cordova-plugin-globalization && ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-globalization

sudo cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-globalization && sudo cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-globalization

edit 1 after more debugging can see angular ng2-translate 'use' function failing. in app.module.ts:

import { translateloader, translatemodule, translatestaticloader } 'ng2-translate/ng2-translate'; ... export function createtranslateloader(http: http) {     return new translatestaticloader(http, '/assets/i18n', '.json'); } ... @ngmodule({     declarations: [         ...     ],     imports: [         ...         browsermodule,         httpmodule,         translatemodule.forroot({             provide: translateloader,             usefactory: (createtranslateloader),             deps: [http]         }),         ...     ]     ... }) export class appmodule { } 

but in app.component.ts when call


it throws exception. have checked , files exist in folder:


for me, globalization.getpreferredlanguage() never resolved. using

this.devicelang = navigator.language; 

this returns device language variant (fr-fr / en-us)


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