c# - Null Error Reading Connection String -
i getting null reference exception when trying connect database via connectionctrings["mydb"].connectionstring
this in using statement , same code i've used in many other projects, keeps telling me null reference , don't know why.
the connection string named named correctly in web.config in same project wouldn't expect there permissions issues.
what have missed?
edit: have seen suggested answers, these solved putting string in web.config connection string is.
code: connectionstring in web.config
<connectionstrings> <add name="mydb" connectionstring="data source=192....; initial catalog=projectdb; integrated security=false; user id=user; password=password;" providername="system.data.sqlclient" /> </connectionstrings>
function access db
public static company retrievecompany(int id) { var cmp = new company(); try { using (var con = new sqlconnection(configurationmanager.connectionstrings["mydb"].connectionstring)) { con.open(); using (var cmd = new sqlcommand("retreiveemailproc", con)) { cmd.commandtype = commandtype.storedprocedure; cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@companyid", id); sqldatareader sdr = cmd.executereader(); while (sdr.read()) { // code omitted } } } } catch(exception ex) { } return cmp; }
i think related using configurationmanager
instead of webconfigurationmanager
. possible code resides in folder different web.config
, configurationmanager
can't handle inheritance problem.
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