Angular 2- what is the best way to set multiple components in one path without losing data using TypeScript -

export const routes: routes  = [ {path: '', redirectto: 'login', pathmatch: 'full'}, { path: 'login',component: logincomponent },  {path: 'main', component: maincomponent ,},  { path: 'dashboard',component: dashboardcomponent,     children: [         {             path: ':id',             children: [                 { path: '',redirectto: 'registration', pathmatch: 'full'},                 {                     path: 'registration',                     component: registrationcomponent,                 },                 {                     path: 'contact',                     component: contactcomponent                 },             ]         }     ] },]; 

how maintain input fields data in contact , registration component. multiple child views data lost on moving 1 child component child.

dashboard component 1:

@component({ selector: 'registration', template: `<input type="text" required>`,})  export class registrationcomponent{ constructor(public router: router) {}} 

dashboard component 2:

@component({ selector: 'contact', template: `<input type="text" required>`,})  export class contactcomponent{ constructor(public router: router) {}} 
 <div>    <a class="registratin"  [routerlink]="[':/registaration']" routerlinkactive="active">                  </a>    <a class="contact"  [routerlink]="[':/contact']">                  </a>    </div> <div  class="outer-outlet">       <router-outlet></router-outlet>     </div> 

when route registrationcomponent contactcomponent, angular destroys current component i.e. registrationcomponent , loads new contactcomponent. why lose input data in registration template.

there different ways tackle this:

1.use structural directives or [hidden]
routing should ideally used if components differ entirely in context. instead out routing, use ngif hide/show components. ..

<registration [hidden]="id!=1"></registration> <contact [hidden]="id!=2"></contact>    

2.use service(s) communicate data
a. inject service providers , set/get data to/from service
b. use resolve guard prefetch data before navigating

if want dig deeper, go through angular 2 offical routing example implements different routing behaviours.
