javascript - Redux redux-think Load Async data before React component is mounted -

i new redux , reactjs, , having issues load data before react component mounted.

i have userpage container linked redux store


class userpage extends page {      componentwillmount() {        this.props.userlist();      }      title() {         return 'user management';     }      breadcrumb() {         return [             {                 title: 'home',                 icon: 'fa-users'             },             {                 title: this.title(),                 active: true             }         ];     }      /**      * content loaded page      */     content() {         console.log(this.props);         if(this.props.fetched) {             console.log('fetching now...');            console.log(this.props.payload);         }         return (             <div classname="row">                 {/* left column */}                 <div classname="col-md-6">                     {/* general form elements */}                     <div classname="box box-primary">                         <div classname="box-header with-border">                             <h3 classname="box-title">new user</h3>                         </div>                         {/* /.box-header */}                         <userform onusersubmit={this.handleusersubmit}/>                     </div>                     {/* /.box */}                  </div>                 {/*/.col (left) */}                 {/* right column */}                 <div classname="col-md-6">                     {/* userlist made of <user /> */}                     <userlist userlist={this.props.userlist} />                     {/* /.box */}                 </div>                 {/*/.col (right) */}             </div>         );     }   } 

userpage redux container connected store through following code

function mapstatetoprops(state) {         return {             userlist: state.userlist,             fetched: state.fetched,             payload: state.payload         } }   function matchdispatchtoprops(dispatch) {     return bindactioncreators(         {             userlist: useraction.userlist,         },         dispatch); }   export default connect(mapstatetoprops, matchdispatchtoprops)(userpage); 

i this.props.userlist() action creator dispatch user_list , load data api here action creator.


import axios 'axios';  class useraction {      static userlist() {         console.log('user list fired...');          const request = axios.get('http://example.local/api/user');          return (dispatch) => {             dispatch({                 type: 'fetch_users_start',                 fetched: false             });              request.then(function(response) {                 console.log('user data...');                 console.log(;                 dispatch({                   type: 'user_list',                   fetched: true,                   payload:                 });               }).catch((err => {                 dispatch({                     type: 'fetch_users_error',                     fetched: false                 });             }));         }     }  }  export default useraction; 

i know above code not work, componentwillmount not wait async callback resolve , render component. question right approach load async data before component mounted, or make compoenentwillmount wait this.props.userlist() resolve request , render?


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