javascript - How to make a component load other components and its related files -

i trying create app using angularjs 1.5, trying architect app, far been fun , interesting.

i have 2 components, 1 of them "chart" , other component "dashboard". chart suppose part of dashboard not sure how embed chart in such way dashboard becomes resposible loading chart , related files template, controller, style sheets etc.


<html>    <head>     <style>       td{         border: 1px solid black;       }     </style>   </head>      <body ng-app="hellosolarsystem">     <a ui-sref="dashboardpage" ui-sref-active="active">dashboard</a>     <a ui-sref="about" ui-sref-active="active">about</a>     <ui-view></ui-view>      <script src="//"></script>     <script src="//"></script>      <script src="hellosolarsystem.js"></script>     <script src="components/about.js"></script>     <script src="components/dashboardpage.js"></script>    </body>  </html> 


angular.module('hellosolarsystem', ['ui.router']) .config(function($stateprovider) {     // array of state definitions     var states = [{             name: 'dashboardpage',             url: '/dashboardpage',             // using component: instead of template:             component: 'dashboardpage'         },         {             name: 'about',             url: '/about',             component: 'about'         }     ]     // loop on state definitions , register them     states.foreach(function(state) {         $stateprovider.state(state);     }); }); 


angular.module('hellosolarsystem').component('mychart', {      templateurl: 'components/mychart.html', })  


<div>   <h3> chart component </h3> </div> 


angular.module("hellosolarsystem") .component("dashboardpage", {     templateurl: 'components/dashboardpage.html',     bindings: {},     controller: function($element){      } }); 


<table style="width:100%">   <tr>     <td>         <!-- show chart -->         <mychart></mychart>     </td>   </tr>   <tr>     <td> chart component here </td>   </tr> </table> 

here sample plnkr made demonstrate problem

how dashboard load chart , files ?

the expected outcome hoping

enter image description here


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