android - Java Method returns null although its not null -

i have class named webservice cointatins variable content , method called geturl gets url argument , fetches data , returns string. following :

class webservice {     string content;     string geturl(string url, final context mcontext) {         asynchttpclient client = new asynchttpclient();         client.get(url, new texthttpresponsehandler() {               @override             public void onfailure(int statuscode, header[] headers, string responsestring, throwable throwable) {                 toast.maketext(mcontext, "sorry, went wrong while connecting net :(", toast.length_short).show();              }              @override             public void onsuccess(int statuscode, header[] headers, string responsestring) {                 content = responsestring;                 log.i("response string", responsestring);                 log.i("content string", content);              }         });         log.i("before return",""+ content);         return content;       } } 

the problem method returns null. in onsuccess , check "content" , value responsestring , in log before return turns null. tell me why happens? thanks.

an asynchronous task will, name suggest it, asynchronous. means done when it's done. else proceed usual , don't care task - unless want it.

you can achieve various libraries on web or callback.


class webservice {     public void geturl(string url, final context mcontext, webservicecallback cb) {     asynchttpclient client = new asynchttpclient();             client.get(url, new texthttpresponsehandler() {              @override             public void onfailure(int statuscode, header[] headers, string responsestring, throwable throwable) {                 cb.onfailure();             }              @override             public void onsuccess(int statuscode, header[] headers, string responsestring) {                 cb.onsuccess(responsestring);             }         });  }     public interface webservicecallback{       void onfailure();       void onsuccess(string url);   } } 

and call that

webservice service = new webservice(); service.geturl("", yourcontext, new webservicecallback(){      @override     public void onfailure(){}      @override     public void onsuccess(string url){         youralreadydeclaredstring = url;         // smth      } }); 

you skip custom callback , pass texthttpresponsehandler, design.


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