How to parallelize function with MPI c++ -

i'm new on mpi , after studying basics, still not understand how leverage mpi parallel execution of 2 function, 1 first part of elements , second second part. example:

for(int = 0; < argc/2; i++){   function(el[i]);  }  for(int = 0; < argc-1; i++){   function(el[i]);  } 

how can use mpi_send, mpi_recv ecc.?

mpi multiprocessor library, not multithreading one. consequently data splitted , cannot seen single array on cores can process part of it.

here, process data, each core need have array contains half data. mpi_send , mpi_recv, this

get rank , number of proc create subarray pass parts of initial array proc 0 other procs (with mpi_send proc 0 , mpi_recv others) each proc calculation  reunite results new set of send/recv 

after, exists functions make data spreading , reunificating easier

good luck


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