tokens and security with stripe api for node.js (stripe-node) -

sort of newbie question. looking @ using stripe in angular 2 application , plan implement server (alongside 1 serving angular pages) node.js receive tokens angular clients , call stripe-node functions (which require secret key) there. wonder if validation need on tokens receive there. since can see url of server, create problems it? thanks.

i not sure 100% understand question think :d. know client-side code, before form submitted make request stripe's servers return specific token representing card's data, , stripe hides before submitting form. why cards information never has touch server , voiding pci compliance issues come that. don't have validate token if mean. after stripe authorizes (the bank tells them have enough money) , captures (actually transfers money) money bank, given token , guarantees there money on card pay you, not sure if mean validates. if cannot pay throw error. in terms of api endpoint stripe's server, /v1/charge or whatever is, yes can see pass along specific stripe token card secret api key, , sent on https no 1 hacking information (most likely). not sure if helped, hope did though!
