Insertion of text between List of data in android -

i have no idea of how done in android. image provided its ux created in html , wanted same in android. thing thought can attached in recycler view , coded in way:

public class fourfragment extends fragment {      recyclerview rv_notify;     myadapter adapter;     arraylist<player> players=new arraylist<>();     textview notify_count_tv;     context c;      public fourfragment() {         // required empty public constructor     }      @override     public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);     }      @override     public view oncreateview(layoutinflater inflater, viewgroup container,                              bundle savedinstancestate) {         view v = inflater.inflate(r.layout.fragment_four, container, false);         c=v.getcontext();         notify_count_tv=(textview) v.findviewbyid(;         imageview imageview = (imageview) v.findviewbyid(;         bitmap bitmap = bitmapfactory.decoderesource(getresources(), r.mipmap.ic_bank);         bitmap blurredbitmap = blur(bitmap);         imageview.setimagebitmap(blurredbitmap);         imageview.setscaletype(imageview.scaletype.fit_xy);          rv_notify= (recyclerview) v.findviewbyid(;         rv_notify.setlayoutmanager(new linearlayoutmanager(getcontext()));         rv_notify.setitemanimator(new defaultitemanimator());          adapter=new myadapter(getcontext(),players);          players.clear();         for(int i=0;i<=6;i++){             int id=i;             if(i!=5) {                 string notify = "your appointment ui design has been accepted subajeeth mukerjeee";                 string time = "" + i;                 string date = "17 oct 2016";                 player p = new player(id, notify, time, date, r.mipmap.ic_bank);                 players.add(p);             }else {                 rv_notify.setadapter(adapter);                 players.clear();                 textview textview = new textview(c);                 textview.settext("123");                 string notify = "your appointment ui design has been accepted subajeeth mukerjeee";                 string time = "" + i;                 string date = "17 oct 2016";                 player p = new player(id, notify, time, date, r.mipmap.ic_bank);                 players.add(p);             }         }          if(!(players.size()<1)){             notify_count_tv.settext(""+players.size());             rv_notify.setadapter(adapter);         }          return v;     }      public bitmap blur(bitmap image) {         float blur_radius = 23.3f;         if (null == image) return null;          bitmap outputbitmap = bitmap.createbitmap(image);         final renderscript renderscript = renderscript.create(getcontext());         allocation tmpin = allocation.createfrombitmap(renderscript, image);         allocation tmpout = allocation.createfrombitmap(renderscript, outputbitmap);          //intrinsic gausian blur filter         scriptintrinsicblur theintrinsic = scriptintrinsicblur.create(renderscript, element.u8_4(renderscript));         theintrinsic.setradius(blur_radius);         theintrinsic.setinput(tmpin);         theintrinsic.foreach(tmpout);         tmpout.copyto(outputbitmap);         return outputbitmap;     }  } 

but view print last remaining data left replacing other. tried insert textview in middle result of image dat failed. can me make same image provided in android?

you want use sticky-headers-recyclerview section headers list.


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