Not able to crop image in android -

i have choose image either gallery or capture camera, want crop image have got,

so, using following code call crop intent,

intent cropintent = new intent(""); //indicate image type , uri cropintent.setdataandtype(imageuri, "image/*"); //set crop properties cropintent.putextra("crop", "true"); //retrieve data on return cropintent.putextra("return-data", true);  try {       startactivityforresult(cropintent, request_code_for_crop_done); } catch (activitynotfoundexception actionnotfoundexception) {       log.e(tag, actionnotfoundexception.getmessage(), actionnotfoundexception);       toast.maketext(fragment.getactivity(), fragment.getresources().getstring(r.string.crop_not_available), toast.length_short).show(); } 

i using nexus 6p device , seems on device facing issue.

this gives me toast message saying can not crop image below 50 x 50.

may know missing?

this intent doesn't work on devices, should use libraries croping


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