ios - Pod update has fatally altered app -

my working app used have xcode project navigator shown below.

project navigator old

ios 10 requirements meant had upgrade xcode 8.1, meant upgrading entire mac os sierra , translating whole app swift 2.3.

needless say, caused errors, 1 of issue pubnub. however, apart new build error app structure same , seemed ok after dealing layout issues.

i requested run following steps try solve pubnub pod error despite me warning previous attempts deal pod file caused fatal errors unrecoverable.

  1. install ios simulators after xcode update
  2. open xcode preferences (cmd+,) , navigate ”locations” tab shown path ”deriveddata” folder
  3. click on small circle arrow on right side of shown ”deriveddata” path open in finder
  4. quit xcode
  5. remove ”deriveddata” folder
  6. clean cocoapods (if integrated it) caches entering in terminal: rm -rf ~/library/caches/cocoapods
  7. from project root (where podfile located) run in terminal: pod deintegrate myapp.xcodeproj
  8. remove project root (where podfile located) podfile.lock file
  9. from project root (where podfile located) run in terminal: pod update
  10. launch xcode (hit shift + cmd + k in case)
  11. try build project

after doing project navigator looks this.

project navigator new

as can see, i've lost load of stuff including pod file etc. suspected, app fatally wounded.

my bridging header red, restkit.h red , pod references gone.

my project root in finder has pods folder , pod file etc, if try drag folders project finder not show used - e.g., folders blue color not yellow.

i'm on xcode 8.1 , cocoapods 1.1.1.

how can recover app?

edit: if helps, here link unsolved question in january last time dared touch pod file @ until now. consequences of situation same before - difference in january ditching 2 weeks work, i'm looking @ ditching 10 months' work.

restkit.h never found in xcode project


pod 'restkit', '~> 0.24.0' pod 'simplekeychain' pod 'awss3' pod 'videocore' pod 'sdwebimage', '~>3.7' pod 'svpulltorefresh' pod 'pubnub', '~> 3.7.11' pod 'mzformsheetcontroller' 

result of pod update in terminal:

update pods updating local specs repositories performing deep fetch of master specs repo improve future performance warning: inexact rename detection skipped due many files. cocoapods 1.2.0.beta.1 available. update use: sudo gem install cocoapods --pre [!] test version we'd love try. more information, see , changelog version @

analyzing dependencies [!] dependency restkit (~> 0.24.0) not used in concrete target. dependency simplekeychain not used in concrete target. dependency awss3 not used in concrete target. dependency videocore not used in concrete target. dependency sdwebimage (~> 3.7) not used in concrete target. dependency svpulltorefresh not used in concrete target. dependency pubnub (~> 3.7.11) not used in concrete target. dependency mzformsheetcontroller not used in concrete target.

from pod update logs seems cocoapods can't find target libraries have applied.

can try in podfile?

target 'your_target_name'     pod 'restkit', '~> 0.24.0'     pod 'simplekeychain'     pod 'awss3'     pod 'videocore'     pod 'sdwebimage', '~>3.7'     pod 'svpulltorefresh'     pod 'pubnub', '~> 3.7.11'     pod 'mzformsheetcontroller' end 

not sure if fix error have.
