windows - Rewriting a string in AutoIt works once, but not the second time -

i working on autoit code me office pranks , stuff. first string works rewrite string "shutdown pc00xxx" shutdown /r /m pc00xxx /t 0, can't second string re.

i have following code:

func runproc($string)     local $command = stringlower($string)     local $subs = stringmid($command, 1, 4)     local $computer = stringinstr($command, "pc")      if $subs == "shut"          run("shutdown /r /m " & stringmid($command, $computer) & " /t 0")      elseif $subs == "clos"          local $prleft = stringtrimleft($command, 6)         local $extend = stringinstr($command, "on")         local $pright = stringtrimright($prleft, $extend)         local $strclose = stringmid($string, $prleft, $pright)         run("taskkill.exe /s "& stringmid($command, $computer) & "  /im " & $strclose & ".exe")     endif 

the problem trying rewrite phrase "close "something" on "pc00xxx" taskkill.exe /s pc00xxx /im something.exe, trying substring between "close " , " on pc00xxx.

so, example, type close outlook on pc00xxx , have value of $strclose be:

$strclose = outlook 

try this:

$string = 'close outlook on pc00xxx' $amatch = stringregexp($string, '(?i)close (.+) on pc.+', 1) if isarray($amatch) consolewrite('app: ' & $amatch[0] & @crlf) 
