raspberry pi3 - CAN bus turns to ERROR PASSIVE state when loopback is turned off -

i have connected pican2 board raspberry pi running latest jessie. when try send can messages pc ( pc connected via usb db9 can interface pican2 board) through pican2 using can-utils, runs error-passive state bring can interface up. but, when enable loopback mode, able send messages , receive them using 2 different terminal window on raspberry pi itself. enabled loopback mode using sudo /sbin/ip link set can0 type can bitrate 500000 loopback on.

can 1 tell me more loopback mode? want make sure hardware setup pican2 correct. possible confirm can board configured correctly because can send/receive messages using loopback mode?or doesn't mean correct?

i want know why error passive mode - indicate pican2 not configured correctly or mean usb db9 can interface has problem? new area , nice. thank you.
