python - gdal2tiles pixel shift in output tiles -

i re-calculate large geotiff files (10,000 x 10,000px) of gdal2tiles little (256 x 256px) tiles. process works fine. however, result not perfect. there slight shift in tiles (see picture below). i've tried different resampling methods , same result every time.

here statement: -s epsg: 25832 -z 11-20 /home/input/file.tif output_path / 

does have ideas?

enter image description here

after days of research found answer myself:

the problem depends on transformation of srs epsg:25832 epsg:3857.

what did: created 1 big .tif gdalwarp , used paramter -s_srs epsg:25832 , -t_srs epsg:3857 (!important create 1 big file - otherwise there gap between .tif files). had take parameter -r cubic . default option (-r average) got same problem.

so tricky, worked me!
