javascript - Drawing an image from right to left in html5 canvas context -

i need context.drawimage(...) begins drawing right left. possible this? lets have player1 , player2 in pictures

player2 player2

the thing both of them same sprite, , each frame of sprite has different width , height, not problem when draw player1(left align) because variation of width can affect rightmost part of arm, not movement of character. now, when draw player1 fliped(player2), painting begins punching hand , messes character movement animation. so, want drawing player2 beginning right side of image instead default method, or viable solution. sprite painter this

that.paint=function(frameoriginx,frameoriginy,xposition,yposition,framewidth,frameheight,previouswidth,previousheight,fliped){       if(fliped==true){     that.context.imagesmoothingenabled = false;;     that.context.translate(xposition, yposition + frameheight);     that.context.rotate(180*math.pi/180);     that.context.scale(1, -1);     that.context.translate(-(xposition + framewidth), -(yposition + frameheight));    }    //floor var global , equal 300    var oldycoord=floor-previousheight;    that.context.clearrect(xposition,oldycoord, previouswidth, previousheight);               that.context.drawimage(        that.image,        frameoriginx,        frameoriginy,        framewidth,        frameheight,        xposition,        yposition,        framewidth,        frameheight);    if(fliped==true)     that.context.restore(); } 

for learning reasons using plain javascript job, no engines no librarys. here game demo
