for loop - How to align the edge of the circle together? -
how align edge of circle together? edge of boxes align circles circumference/edge not align instead occupying each other spaces..
local areapadding = 5 local toppadding = 160 local answeroffset = 6 local area = answer_rect.width - (areapadding*-5) local answerheight = (area-toppadding-(answeroffset*#q.answers))/#q.answers local textx = numberx + 20 local textw = _w - textx - 24 local y = answer_rect.x + areapadding + toppadding local howmanyanswers = #q.answers
-- make sure answers fit screen size if neccessary decrease answerheight local offset = (_w - (howmanyanswers * (answerheight+answeroffset) - answeroffset)) * 0.5
i=1, howmanyanswers local rect = display.newcircle(quizgroup, offset + (answerheight+answeroffset)*(i-1), y, answerheight, answerheight ) rect.anchorx, rect.anchory = 0, 0 = "answer" rect.index = rect:setfillcolor(0.1) rect:addeventlistener("touch", buttontouched) local answer = display.newtext({parent=quizgroup, text=q.answers[i], width=textw, height=0, font=native.systemfont, fontsize=150}) answer.x = rect.x + rect.width * 0.3 answer.y = rect.y + rect.height * 0.5 answer.anchorx = 0 answer:setfillcolor(1) end end
local _w = display.contentwidth local _h = display.contentheight local areapadding = 12 local toppadding = 16 local answeroffset = 30 -- put in space labels local area = answer_rect.height - (areapadding*2.5) local howmanyanswers = #q.answers local textx = numberx + 20 local textw = _w - textx - 24 local answerheight = (area-toppadding-(answeroffset*#q.answers))/howmanyanswers local y = answer_rect.x + areapadding + toppadding -- make sure answers fit screen size if neccessary decrease answerheight local offset = (_w - (howmanyanswers * (answerheight+answeroffset))) * 0.5 i=1, howmanyanswers local rect = display.newrect(quizgroup, offset + answeroffset +(answerheight+answeroffset)*(i-1), y, answerheight, answerheight) rect.anchorx, rect.anchory = 0, 0 = "answer" rect.index = rect:setfillcolor(0.1) rect:addeventlistener("touch", buttontouched) local label = display.newtext({parent=quizgroup, text=i..".", font=native.systemfont, fontsize=20}) label.x = rect.x - answeroffset * 0.5 label.y = rect.y + 0.5 * rect.height label:setfillcolor(0.4) local answer = display.newtext({parent=quizgroup, text=q.answers[i], width=textw, height=0, font=native.systemfont, fontsize=150}) answer.x = rect.x + rect.width * 0.5 answer.y = rect.y + rect.height * 0.5 answer:setfillcolor(1) end
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