julia lang - Adding a local image to an IJulia notebook -

how add local image ijulia notebook? image in same local network folder ipynb file. folder accessed via symbolic link. i've tried both relative , absolute file names.

<img src="test.png" alt="image test" style="width:600px">  ![image test](test.png) 

both show same, broken image link "image test" next symbol.

jupyter info:

python 2.7.12 |continuum analytics, inc.| (default, jul  2 2016, 17:42:40)  [gcc 4.4.7 20120313 (red hat 4.4.7-1)]  notebook server 4.2.3-da472a5 

julia info:

julia version 0.5.0 commit 3c9d753 (2016-09-19 18:14 utc) platform info:   system: linux (x86_64-linux-gnu)   cpu: intel(r) core(tm) i5-4570 cpu @ 3.20ghz   word_size: 64   blas: libopenblas (no_lapacke dynamic_arch no_affinity haswell)   lapack: liblapack.so.3   libm: libopenlibm   llvm: libllvm-3.7.1 (orcjit, haswell)  ijulia                        1.3.2 

![image test](test.png) works fine me; maybe has in same directory 1 jupyter running, i.e. directory shown in top-level jupyter dashboard?

(without using fileio, can display("image/png", read("file.png")).)

the ability directly drag-and-drop or copy-paste images notebook cells recently added jupyter, in next major release (jupyter 4.3 or 5?).


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