docker compose issue while creating cassandra cluster -

i doing simple example of creating cassandra cluster using docker compose. after running docker-compose up, can see 2 cassandra containers getting created. these not created part of cluster. since when 1 container , run 'nodetool describecluster' , shows me 1 ip. here docker-compose.yml using. please me find out doing wrong. have spent lot of time in checking logs , figuring out.

 cass0:   image: cassandra:3.9  ports:    - "9042:9042"   - "9160:9160"  cass1:   image: cassandra:3.9  links:    - cass0:seed  environment:    seeds: seed  

here nodetool cluster output:

 cluster information:         name: test cluster         snitch: org.apache.cassandra.locator.dynamicendpointsnitch         partitioner: org.apache.cassandra.dht.murmur3partitioner         schema versions:                 86afa796-d883-3932-aa73-6b017cef0d19: []  

thanks in advance.

seems, using wrong keyword. please replace in file.

  environment:    cassandra_seeds: seed 

hope helps.
