java - Error with Apache Storm topology -

i have been trying create simple storm topology, keep running error. i'm creating spout using python. have been using this reference. topology given below:

public class testtopology {    public static void main(string[] args) throws exception {     topologybuilder builder = new topologybuilder();     builder.setspout("sentencespout",new sentencespout(), 1);          config cfg = new config();         stormsubmitter.submittopology("testtopology", cfg, builder.createtopology());   } 

this sentencespout looks :

import; import backtype.storm.config; import backtype.storm.spout.shellspout; import backtype.storm.topology.irichspout; import backtype.storm.topology.outputfieldsdeclarer; import backtype.storm.tuple.fields;  public class sentencespout extends shellspout implements irichspout {     // invoke python spout     public sentencespout() {         super("python", "python/test/");     }      // declare emit 'sentence' field     @override     public void declareoutputfields(outputfieldsdeclarer declarer) {         declarer.declare(new fields("sentence"));     }      // no real configuration going on     @override     public map<string, object> getcomponentconfiguration() {         return null;     } } 

and looks :

import storm import random sentences = """ cow jumped on moon apple day keeps doctor away 4 score , 7 years ago snow white , 7 dwarfs @ 2 nature """.strip().split('\n')   class sentencespout(storm.spout):     def initialize(self,conf,context):         self._conf = conf         self._context = context          storm.loginfo("spout instance starting....")      def nexttuple(self):         sentence = random.choice(sentences)         storm.loginfo("emiting %s" % sentence)         storm.emit([sentence])  sentencespout().run() 

my topology builds absolutely fine. , can see topology on storm ui. keep getting error,however :

java.lang.runtimeexception: pid:5130, name:sentencespout exitcode:-1, errorstring: @  backtype.storm.spout.shellspout.querysubprocess(  @ backtype.storm.spout.shellspout.nexttuple( @   backtype.storm.daemon.executor$fn__3373$fn__3388$fn__3417.invoke(executor.clj:565) @ backtype.storm.util$async_loop$fn__464.invoke(util.clj:463)  @ @ caused by:  java.lang.runtimeexception: unknown command received: error @  backtype.storm.spout.shellspout.querysubprocess(  

is there can me out on this? appreciate it.


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