angular - Error directives declaration if minification angular2 bundle -

if minified bundle, error: unhandled promise rejection: template parse errors: can't bind 'seterror' since isn't known property of 'http_result'. ("

   <http_result [error ->][seterror]="error"></http_result>      <div class="popup-body-wrapper"> 


import {  component,  directive, elementref, hostlistener, input,output, eventemitter, renderer, viewchild, afterviewinit } '@angular/core'; 

import { determinationerrorservice } './determination_errors.service'; //import * $ 'jquery';

@component({    selector: 'http_result',     template: `<div class="http-result-wrapper">                 <p class="success-notice" *ngif="notice.state == 'notice'">{{ notice.message }}</p>                 <p class="error-notice" *ngif="notice.state == 'error'">{{ notice.message }}</p>         </div>`, })  export class httppopuperrors {  private determinationerror;  constructor() {     this.determinationerror = new determinationerrorservice(); }  private notice = {         state: '',         message: ''     };  @input() set setsuccess (message: string) {     if(message) {         this.notice.state = 'notice';         this.notice.message = message;     } else {         this.notice.state = '';         this.notice.message = '';     } }  @input() set seterror (error: any) {     if(error) {         this.notice.state = 'error';         this.notice.message = this.determinationerror.geterrormessage(error);     } else {         this.notice.state = '';         this.notice.message = '';     } }  } 

parth of app.module.ts

... import { httppopuperrors} './admin/determination_errors/http_popup_errors.directive'; ...  @ngmodule({   imports: [        ...   ],   declarations: [     ...      httppopuperrors    ],   providers: [     ...   ],   schemas: [ custom_elements_schema ],   bootstrap:    [ maincomponent ] }) 

i added directive in component called recovery.component.ts

import { httppopuperrors} '../determination_errors/http_popup_errors.directive';  @component({     selector: 'recovery',     templateurl: 'app/admin/recovery/recovery.component.html',     providers: [ authservice ],     directives: [httppopuperrors] })  export class recoverycomponent { ... } 

help, please, why have error , how fixed it?


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