ios - Type '(String, AnyObject)' has no subscript members in swift -

i using line data

 let productdict  = arrproductcart[sender.tag] as! [string: anyobject] 

and want filter data dictionary using code

let filteredsubitems = productdict.filter{         $0["groupid"] as!string != "1"     } 

it giving me error type '(string, anyobject)' has no subscript members

do need convert [string: anyobject] [string: string]? do.

most want filter arrproductcard array instead of productdict, doesn't make sense. try this:

let filteredproducts = arrproductcard.filter{     guard let groupid = $0["groupid"] as? string else { return false }     return groupid != "1" } 

you should avoid forced unwrapping whenever can. note code inside filter closure crash if there no groupid value in dictionary or if not string.


if you're using nsmutablearray reason, can filter predicate:

let mutablearray = nsmutablearray(array: [["groupid": "1"], ["groupid": "2"]])     let groupidpredicate = nspredicate(format: "groupid != %@", "1") mutablearray.filter(using: groupidpredicate) 

however, recommend use swift native collections.
