uiview - Angularjs : ui-sref state change in url not showing submenu -

in angularjs show/hide dynamic submenu, adding , removing dynamic classes in js file. every time when state changes in url (i.e ui-sref={{mymenu.url}}) sub menu not visible. if there no state change sub menu working properly. can please suggest.


<li ng-repeat='mymenu in menuitems' ng-click="showhidemenu($event);" > <a class="iconsize" ui-sref={{mymenu.url}}> <i class={{mymenu.image}}></i> <strong>{{mymenu.menuname}}</strong> <span class="fa fa-chevron-down"></span> </a> <ul class="submenuhide">     <li class="" ng-repeat='submenu in mymenu.submenu'>          <a>{{submenu.submenuname}}</a>     </li> </ul> 


    $scope.showhidemenu = function(event) {     var classname = event.target.parentelement.parentelement.children[1].classname;     if(classname == 'submenuhide'){         $(event.target.parentelement.parentelement.children[1]).removeclass('submenuhide');         $(event.target.parentelement.parentelement.children[1]).addclass('submenushow');     }else if(classname == 'submenushow'){         $(event.target.parentelement.parentelement.children[1]).removeclass('submenushow');         $(event.target.parentelement.parentelement.children[1]).addclass('submenuhide');     } } 

a couple things. one, you'll need make sure menu outside of individual templates you're working with. two, using ng-class bound ng-model ensures menu state included in digest cycle. save jqlite , dom parsing logic.

here's example plunker.

so code might this:

<body ng-controller="mainctrl">     <a ui-sref="hello">hello</a>     <a ui-sref="about">about</a>     <button ng-click="togglemenu()">show / hide menu</button>     <ui-view></ui-view>     <ul ng-class="{showmenu: show, hidemenu: !show}">         <li ng-repeat="letter in ['a','b','c','d']">{{letter}}</li>     </ul> </body> 

with js:

app.controller('mainctrl', function($scope) {   $scope.show = false;   $scope.togglemenu = function() {     $scope.show = !$scope.show;   }; }); 


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