amazon web services - Reading .aws/credentials file with Scala for hadoop conf setting from spark -

how can read different aws profiles have located in credentials file within .aws directory? want have app read in access key , secret such below not sure how make point credentials file.

object s3keystore extends serializable {   private val keymap = map(string, s3key)    def load(key: string)(implicit sc: sparkcontext) = keymap.get(key) match {     case some(k) =>       val hc = sc.hadoopconfiguration       hc.set("fs.s3a.awsaccesskeyid", k.access)       hc.set("fs.s3a.awssecretaccesskey", k.secret)       true     case _ => false   } } 

  1. spark summit automatically set credentials aws env vars; aware can stamp on you've set in spark-defaults/core-site.

  2. if use s3a, think might use credentials (it takes list of auth mechanisms; i'll have see if one).

  3. you can set core-site.xml in hadoop/yarn pick secrets directory. in testing, via xinclude.

  4. s3a in hadoop 2.8+ handle iam auth in ec2 vms, , encoding secrets in encrypted jceks files (which can shared across cluster secrets never sent in clear text in job submission). supports session keys, can issue credentials short period of time.
