android - Facebook Account Kit require an appsecret_proof argument Error -

i'm trying retrieve user phonenumber/email using facebook account kit.

i'm getting error response:

200: server generated error: 145: api calls server require appsecret_proof argument

i disabled option on facebook developer dash board.

require app secret server api calls

here code:

public void onloginphone(final view view) {   final intent intent = new intent(getactivity(), accountkitactivity.class);   accountkitconfiguration.accountkitconfigurationbuilder configurationbuilder =     new accountkitconfiguration.accountkitconfigurationbuilder(,       accountkitactivity.responsetype.code); // or .responsetype.token   // ... perform additional configuration ...   intent.putextra(     accountkitactivity.account_kit_activity_configuration,;   startactivityforresult(intent, app_request_code); } 

and onactivityresult:

accountkit.getcurrentaccount(new accountkitcallback<account>() {   @override   public void onsuccess(final account account) {     // account kit id     string accountkitid = account.getid();      // phone number     phonenumber phonenumber = account.getphonenumber();     string phonenumberstring = phonenumber.tostring();      // email     string email = account.getemail();   }    @override   public void onerror(final accountkiterror error) {     // handle error   } }); 

simple solution solve above problem, follow following step.

step 1 : go facebook developer console 

step 2 : select application 

step 3: after selecting application click on account kit located @ left side panel of console below product title.

step 4 : after click on account kit see reuired app secret switch button yes/no option right side of it.

step 5 : turn off (no) reuired app secret there ( below allow sms login )

step 6 : click on save changes tab.

step 7 : run application, got whatever want.

if have still query ask me time. may these or other person.


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