ios - NSInternalConsistencyException unexpected start date NSRunLoop -

i have following code in couple places (applicationwillenterforeground, didreceiveremotenotification) of app delegate.

    //create semaphore     dispatch_semaphore_t semaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);      /* ... redacted code other stuff ... */      // wait 30 seconds reauth     int ntimeout = 3;      //holds thread until dispatch_semaphore_signal(semaphore); send     while ((dispatch_semaphore_wait(semaphore, dispatch_time_now)) && ( ntimeout > 0 ))     {         [[nsrunloop currentrunloop] runmode:nsdefaultrunloopmode beforedate:[nsdate datewithtimeintervalsincenow:10]];          ntimeout --;     } 

the issue we're getting crashes on [[nsrunloop currentrunloop] runmode line following:

fatal exception: nsinternalinconsistencyexception 0  corefoundation                 0x181f5edb0 __exceptionpreprocess 1  libobjc.a.dylib                0x1815c3f80 objc_exception_throw 2  corefoundation                 0x181f5ec80 +[nsexception raise:format:] 3  foundation                     0x1828e41c0 -[nsassertionhandler handlefailureinfunction:file:linenumber:description:] 4  uikit                          0x187380984 _prepareforcaflush 5  uikit                          0x187380820 __84-[uiapplication _handleapplicationactivationwithscene:transitioncontext:completion:]_block_invoke_2 6  corefoundation                 0x181f14f84 __cfrunloop_is_calling_out_to_a_block__ 7  corefoundation                 0x181f148bc __cfrunloopdoblocks 8  corefoundation                 0x181f12820 __cfrunlooprun 9  corefoundation                 0x181e3cc50 cfrunlooprunspecific 10 foundation                     0x18284ccfc -[nsrunloop(nsrunloop) runmode:beforedate:] 

does have idea why happening?

thanks in advance,


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