jquery - Javascript - Uncaught (in promise) -

i have function on click use sweetalert2. function:

publish = function (article) {    swal({       title: "skal du publisere?",       text: null,       type: "info",       showcancelbutton: true,       cancelbuttontext: "avbyrt",       cancelbuttoncolor: '#fff',       confirmbuttoncolor: "#2e112d",       confirmbuttontext: "ja, publisere"     }).then(function(){         var articleid = $(article).val();         $.post("/admin/articles/publish/article", {             '_token' : $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content'),             'articleid': articleid         }).done(function(){             $(article).hide();             return swal({               type: 'success',               title: 'du har publisert den artikkel.',               showconfirmbutton: false,               timer: 1000           });       }).fail(function() {           return swal({             type: 'warning',             title: 'noeting gikk feil, prov igjen',             showconfirmbutton: false,             timer: 1000           });         });     }, function(dismiss) {     // dismiss can 'overlay', 'cancel', 'close', 'esc', 'timer'       if (dismiss === 'cancel') { // might handle 'close' or 'timer' if used       // ignore       } else {         throw dismiss;       }     }) } 

everything works fine error timer:

sweetalert2.min.js:1 uncaught (in promise) timer

how can avoid that, doing wrong?

the problem should never call function returns promise without doing promise. in case promise-returning functions swal , $.post. if ignore returned promise you're not waiting complete. then handlers can return promise continue promise chain, this:

publish = function (article) {     return swal({       title: "skal du publisere?",       text: null,       type: "info",       showcancelbutton: true,       cancelbuttontext: "avbyrt",       cancelbuttoncolor: '#fff',       confirmbuttoncolor: "#2e112d",       confirmbuttontext: "ja, publisere"     }).then(function(){         $(article).hide();         var articleid = $(article).val();         return $.post("/admin/articles/publish/article", {             '_token' : $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content'),             'articleid': articleid         }).then(function(){             return swal({               type: 'success',               title: 'du har publisert den artikkel.',               showconfirmbutton: false,               timer: 1000           }).catch(function(timeout) { });       });     }, function(dismiss) {     // dismiss can 'overlay', 'cancel', 'close', 'esc', 'timer'       if (dismiss === 'cancel') { // might handle 'close' or 'timer' if used       // ignore       } else {         throw dismiss;       }     })     .catch(function(err) {         console.error(err);         throw err;     }) } 


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